At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

869 Simple and low-key trip! 【Subscription】

In Ji Han's current state, in every word and deed, there is a feeling of doing whatever he wants, and everything only follows his heart!

Ji Han wanted to participate, so he did, but in fact, he had no other idea.

After agreeing, Ji Han also took advantage of the situation and asked why he suddenly wanted to hold a class reunion at this time.

However, the answer he got made Ji Han a little dumbfounded.

Because their squad leader and squad flower, namely Ji Wanting, because of the great improvement in strength, suddenly soared a lot, so they attracted the attention of the Kyushu military, and after a test, they were absorbed into the army , Let Ji Wanting soar into the sky, and her identity and status have been greatly changed.

Therefore, after getting the news, some of Ji Wanting's suitors and some classmates who wanted to hug their thighs proposed to hold a class reunion, hold a banquet, gather all the classmates together, and show off by the way.

That's why class reunions are held!

After learning the reason, Ji Han was a little dumbfounded, and also felt a little funny. He didn't expect that some of the 780 arrangements he made casually actually affected him indirectly and involved him.

In fact, Ji Han didn't know that after Ji Wanting got the adventure, as he expected, her strength in the game increased rapidly.

She first returned to the town and handed over the seven-star silver moon grass collection quest, thus gaining a lot of experience points, and then immediately took all the quests she could, and went straight to the wild to start killing monsters and leveling up frantically. He also did various tasks by the way, in order to be able to raise his realm to the peak of the ninth level of Qi training in the shortest time.

And things were just as Ji Wanting had imagined, she had gained enough experience points in a very short period of time and raised her realm to the pinnacle of the ninth level of qi training.

After that, things were even simpler. Ji Wanting did not hesitate, and shortly after returning to the town, she directly took the Foundation Establishment Pill and successfully broke through to the Foundation Establishment stage, becoming a veritable first person to establish a foundation, and immediately obtained the A special achievement reward set by Ji Han.

After breaking through to the Foundation Establishment period, the system immediately issued a worldwide system announcement, letting all Kyushu players know and remember Ji Wanting.

In this way, Ji Wanting became famous in an instant. She not only won huge rewards, but also attracted the pursuit of countless players from Kyushu, and also inspired countless players.

Moreover, after Ji Wanting broke through to the Foundation Establishment stage, she immediately practiced the first level of the [Tianxuanyu Moslem Art], and recognized the flying rainbow sword as the master, which made her own strength skyrocket again.

It is precisely because of this that Ji Wanting was directly noticed by the Kyushu military, and immediately found her in the real world, absorbed her into the military, and wanted to focus on training.

It's just that Ji Han stopped paying attention to Ji Wanting after he arranged it casually, so he didn't know about these things. Until today, an old classmate called and asked him out of curiosity, and he didn't know what was going on.

And don't look at Ji Han and Ji Wanting both surnamed Ji, but the two have no connection or relationship at all, and the same surname is just a coincidence.

In addition, Ji Wanting's deeds and experiences have not made any waves in Ji Han's heart. This is just a seed he sowed, and he doesn't care if it grows up.

It's just that since he has already agreed to go to the class reunion, it's hard to go back on it, so Ji Han didn't think much about it, just chatted with the old classmate and hung up the phone.

"Tomorrow? In Donghai City?"

Ji Han murmured a few words lightly!

Their class reunion is scheduled for tomorrow, and the location happens to be in Donghai City, so it is convenient for Ji Han to travel.

The next day, a small manor.

Ji Han was standing in front of a huge floor-to-ceiling mirror, surrounded by more than a dozen fairies, Zhen Ji, Diao Chan, Ping Yang, Da Xiaoqiao...

They were surrounding Ji Han at this time, carefully dressing him up and checking all the details. For this kind of trivial matter, Ji Han didn't need to do anything at all.

Ji Han told Zhen Ji and the others last night that they were going out today, so Zhen Ji and other fairies didn't dare to neglect at all. Han also let them fiddle and enjoy the whole process silently.

At this moment, Pingyang, who was taking care of Ji Han's hair, suddenly asked in a coquettish voice, "Young Master, are you really going out without us this time?"

Hearing Pingyang's question, the surrounding Zhen Ji and others all paused for a moment, and then immediately looked at Ji Han, the anticipation in their eyes almost overflowed their eyes.

Obviously, Ji Han rarely goes out, and the fairies around him naturally want to follow him, and at the same time, they also want to go out and see the outside world.

It's just that Ji Han ignored their expectant eyes, shook his head with a light smile and said, "I won't take you this time, it's just an ordinary class reunion, if I take you out, the limelight will be too high, Not suitable!

Ji Han still adheres to the principle of low-key, and does not want to take Zhen Ji and the others out. Once he does take them out, Ji Han can imagine the terrible scene. These fairy-like existences will definitely attract the attention of countless eyes. It will even gain a large number of fans, which is not what Ji Han wants, so he simply does not bring any.

And it was just an ordinary class reunion, Ji Han wanted to participate as an ordinary person, not wanting to attract too much attention.

In this regard, Pingyang and others could only pouted their grievances and accepted it reluctantly.

They know how much Ji Han loves them usually, but what Ji Han has decided cannot be changed, so they dare not mention it again.

At this time, Ji Han ordered: "Change me back to a more modern dress today, and the decorations such as jade pendants are also gone, try to be as simple as possible!"

After all, it's a modern class reunion, Ji Han doesn't want to go out in his usual clothes, it's too eye-catching and doesn't conform to Ji Han's low-key principle.

Hearing the words, Ping Yang and others helped Ji Han change into a more modern outfit, a pair of white sneakers, a black casual outfit, and all the jade pendants and other accessories on his body were removed, which looked very simple.

Even though it is so simple, Ji Han's whole person is very handsome, and he has a kind of out-of-the-world air, which has an indescribable charm.

This is still the situation where Ji Han is trying his best to restrain himself. If not, with Ji Han's current temperament, once he appears in the public eye, it will definitely attract the attention of countless eyes, and now he has restrained a lot, which is just right!

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