At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

870 Spectacular and domineering! 【Subscription】

"Almost there!"

After a while, Ji Han spoke out to stop Pingyang and the others.

If he doesn't stop it, maybe Pingyang and the others will be able to toss for a few more hours. They are people who can't even see a single fold on their clothes, so they can't tolerate anything wrong with Ji Han.

Hearing Ji Han say this, Pingyang and the others slowly dispersed.

Ji Han smiled at them and comforted them, then walked straight out of the small manor.

At this time, outside the gate of the small manor, a large number of people, horses, and many vehicles were waiting.

Among these vehicles, there are many luxury cars, such as Rolls-Royce, Lamborghini, Panamera, Ferrari, Maybach, Aston Martin... Not only that, but also many modified domineering vehicles. All stopped quietly outside the small manor.

And behind these luxury cars, there are two long rows of black cars, and next to each black car stood several people wearing black suits, just like bodyguards.

These luxury cars, these bodyguards, and this lineup were all arranged by the relevant departments within a short period of time, in order to serve Ji Han.

Ji Han had already informed Yanjing about the news that he was going out today, so the high-level officials took it seriously and did not dare to neglect at all, and immediately made various arrangements and arrangements.

Following an order from the top management, the relevant departments who have been waiting around the small manor all the year round moved. They not only sent a large number of luxury cars to Ji Han, but also sent a large number of good people, those who were wearing black suits.

The reason why those relevant departments are arranged this way is not only to serve Ji Han so that there will be no problems, but mainly because they don't want someone who can't open eyes to provoke Ji Han.

Those high-level executives don't want to anger Ji Han because of the actions of some small people, but they can't bear Ji Han's anger. Lin Mushan and others are very clear about this, so when Ji Han travels, the protection work around him is the most important, any point Details cannot be ignored.

Of course, they are not trying to protect Ji Han. No one in the entire Blue Star is qualified to protect Ji Han. They just want to remove all unstable factors for Ji Han, so that Ji Han will not have any unpleasantness. This is also the high level of Kyushu. A little selfish, want to please Ji Han.

And to be able to serve Ji Han, it also makes them feel extremely honored!

As Ji Han's figure appeared at the entrance of the small manor, a middle-aged man in a well-dressed trot immediately trotted towards Ji Han and came to two meters in front of Ji Han, and the man stopped Come down, then bent down deeply, and said respectfully: "Mr. Ji, everything is arranged, I don't know where you are going today? We will serve you throughout the process.

You can ask us if you have any needs!"

Obviously, this person knows some of Ji Han's identity, coupled with the direct order of the Kyushu boss, this person does not dare to be nervous to the extreme, and does not dare to be careless at all, even if he is talking with his head down, his Yu Guangdu has been carefully observing Ji Han's expression changes, fearing that Ji Han will be dissatisfied at all.

Ji Han first looked left and right at the battle outside, then waved his hands in disbelief: "Uh...don't be so troublesome, I'm just going out for a meal, you can send someone to take me to the Donghai International Hotel. !

Originally, Ji Han planned to travel in a low-key manner, but now this battle seems to be a bit out of tune with Ji Han's plan.

However, the middle-aged man smiled cautiously and said: "This is an order from above, so that the young must serve Mr. Ji well, these vehicles are sent from above, mainly to clear the way for Mr. Ji, so as not to It wasted Mr. Ji's time."5

"Of course, if Mr. Ji doesn't like it, we can also remove it immediately!

This person explained with a trace of tension, and at the same time the corner of his eyes never left Ji Han's face, even if Ji Han showed a hint of dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction at this time, he would immediately withdraw all the vehicles.

However, after Ji Han heard this explanation, he did not embarrass the person, but just smiled helplessly, and then ordered: "Okay, you can arrange it, which car will I take?"9

"Yes, yes, thank you Mr. Ji, Mr. Ji, please! 35

Hearing that Ji Han actually agreed to their arrangement, the middle-aged man immediately had a face full of ecstasy, and personally led Ji Han to the main car, then walked a few steps quickly, helped Ji Han open the car door in advance, and let Ji Han sit in it .

・・For flowers.......

Then the middle-aged man carefully closed the car door for Ji Han, turned his head immediately, picked up the invisible walkie-talkie on his collar, and ordered in a low voice: "All attention, all attention, the target is Donghai International Hotel, According to the original plan, implement it immediately without delay!99

After speaking, the middle-aged man quickly got into the car behind Ji Han.

Then, following the middle-aged man's order, the huge motorcade waiting outside the small manor quickly moved and started heading towards the East China Sea International Hotel.

When they received the order last night, when they made detailed arrangements, they also made several preliminary plans, which can be changed at any time according to Ji Han's requirements.


Now since Ji Han has no requirements and let them arrange, they will directly implement the first original plan.

Soon, dozens of luxury cars roared out first, extremely fast, and divided into two rows, starting to clear the way for Ji Han.

Ji Han's main car is the latest Hongqi sedan, and it is bulletproof, but this one is very low-key, and most people don't recognize it at all.

After the dozens of luxury cars on the road drove out, the main Hongqi car carrying Ji Han immediately followed. The speed was slightly faster, but it seemed unusually stable.

Behind the main car that Ji Han was riding in, dozens of black red flag sedans immediately divided into two rows to keep up, firmly protecting the main car in the middle and clearing the way for it, so that it would not be affected in any way. Arrive at your destination unimpeded.

For a time, hundreds of vehicles lined up in a long queue, driving spectacularly on the provincial highway in Donghai City.

There are dozens of luxury cars in the front driving the road, plus pre-arranged, traffic police at each intersection are responsible for directing the passing vehicles and arranging the green light to release. Therefore, all the vehicles along the way are shocked by this huge convoy. , or they were frightened, because they didn't know what kind of battle this was, and they didn't know which big man was going out, so they didn't dare to stand in front of them, and they all hurried to the side, and even stopped beside them. , and wait for the huge fleet to pass before they dare to restart! Beg.

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