At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

873 This is our honor! 【Subscription】

This spectacular and huge team instantly attracted the attention of everyone including Ji Wanting.

"Fuck, is this a big man traveling? Is this too awesome?"

"Tsk tsk tsk... Look at this battle, don't be too cool! 35

"Wow, a luxury car drives the road, and a special car escorts, who is this? Is it too much?"

"They seem to be coming in our direction, damn, aren't they here for our class reunion?"

"Isn't it possible? Almost all of our classmates are here, and I don't seem to have heard of anyone with such skills in Donghai City?"

The dozens of college classmates around Ji Wanting exclaimed, their eyes full of envy, because the people who can show such a battle are either super rich or powerful people, before they know the specific identity of the person who came. , they naturally have no other ideas.

Of course, a small number of classmates watched the convoy coming in their direction, and they were also guessing whether the person coming might be their classmate.

It's just that such remarks and speculations were quickly denied, because in the cognition of these classmates, none of their classmates can reach such a high level, and can dispatch such a luxurious lineup, even the best family. It is impossible for a few classmates, and they are already here, and everyone has basically arrived, so no one thinks that the person who comes will be their classmate.

It's just that Ji Wanting, who was surrounded by the middle, seemed to have a strange feeling. She frowned slightly and looked at the luxury motorcade with a little doubt, but she didn't make a sound.

However, the fact quickly exceeded everyone's expectations. Under the gazes of a large number of surprised eyes around, the huge motorcade drove straight in the direction of Ji Wanting and others, but in the process of slowly approaching, the side was responsible for clearing the way. The two rows of luxury cars parked on both sides slowly, and soon filled the roadside seats, and the same was true for the dozens of black sedans in the back, as if their role was purely for the main car in the middle. Just clear the way and escort them. Since they have reached their destination, they are naturally not needed.

Sure enough, as the escorting vehicles on both sides slowly stopped, the unusual main car in the middle did not slow down at all. It slowly passed other luxury cars, and only started to slow down when it approached Ji Wanting and others, and then slowly Stopped in front of Ji Wanting and others.

"Fuck, you really came to us~々?"

"Shit, it's really true? It's not a coincidence, is it?

"Quick, quick, do you see who is sitting inside?"

"Oh, can you be quiet, many people are watching!

Just when the low-key and luxurious Hongqi sedan hadn't stopped, the classmates around Ji Wanting couldn't help but exclaimed in a low voice again. They didn't expect that the person sitting in the main car really came to them. .

You must know that the gate of the East China Sea International Hotel is extremely spacious, and at this time there are not only them standing outside the gate waiting for others, and the main car is heading straight towards them, it must be a classmate who came to participate. Party no doubt.

It's just that the somewhat incompetent discussions of these classmates quickly stopped, because there were many people next to them also looking towards this side, so they didn't dare to appear too pure.

And when the eyes of these classmates turned to the Hongqi main car, the car just stopped, and a young man in a black suit with a resolute but handsome face quickly got off the co-pilot. The young man got out of the car. After that, he hurried to the position of the rear door, bowed slightly, then opened the door with a respectful face, and reminded softly:

"..Mr. Ji, Donghai International Hotel has arrived!"

After two seconds, a slightly magnetic voice came from inside: "Oh? It's already here?"

This voice was not loud, but (Zhao Qian's) caused a look of surprise on the faces of several classmates, which seemed extremely familiar.

Then, without waiting for the young man who opened the door to answer, a figure walked out of the car. First, a back figure fell into the sight of everyone, and then the man said softly to the young man who opened the door: "Okay, you can go back. , thank you for your leadership for me!

"Don't dare, it's our honor to serve Mr. Ji, Mr. Ji, please!

The young man in the black suit immediately responded respectfully, and after Ji Han waved his hand, he no longer hesitated, and immediately got into the car and left.

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