After the main car left, Ji Han slowly turned around and walked towards Ji Wanting and others with a smile on his face.

And all the students who had been staring at Ji Han's back all the time, only then did they really see Ji Han's face, and immediately caused a few exclamations.

"Damn it, Ji Han, is it really you? I mean, why is this voice so familiar!"

"My God, Ji Han, are you really a kid? Are you doing so well now?"

"Ji Han? How could it be Ji Han?"

"Uh... it's really Ji Han? How could it be him?"

Some of the classmates who were familiar with Ji Han and were able to recognize him directly couldn't help exclaiming, with a look of disbelief.

As for the other students who looked at Ji Han a little familiar but didn't recognize him, after hearing the exclamations, they immediately woke up. It turned out that this person was really their college classmate, and there were not many Ji Han with a sense of presence.

"Shit, it's really him, I said, why does he look so familiar!"

"Ji 780 Han? Is that Ji Han who went home and inherited the farm? 35

"That's right, it's him, his appearance hasn't changed much, it's just that his temperament is a little different!"

"Yes, yes, it has indeed become different. Could it be that he has really developed?"

"Impossible, it doesn't look like it, why don't we ask?"

"Ask you to ask...39

Influenced by those classmates who recognized Ji Han, the rest of the classmates also began to talk in a low voice with different expressions on their faces, and their eyes looking at Ji Han also had different colors, some were shocked, some doubted, and others. Disdain and envy.

Ji Han naturally had a panoramic view of all this, but he was too lazy to pay attention to it, only to see Ji Han dressed in casual clothes, with a hint of dusty temperament, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and he went straight to his college classmates.

"Dear classmates, it's been a long time, how are you doing?"

As soon as they approached, Ji Han was the first to say hello.

And a roommate who was in the same dormitory with Ji Han couldn't help but patted Ji Han on the shoulder, then laughed: "Okay, boy, it's really you, I almost didn't recognize it. Well, if you are so good, don't cover me!!

Saying that, the roommate named Lin Zixing also punched Ji Han's chest lightly.

But Ji Han just smiled and didn't care, because among the many classmates, only the roommate Lin Zixing knew him a little bit, and everyone else just knew each other, even other roommates.

Seeing that Lin Zixing was still the same, Ji Han also smiled slightly: "Hehe, nothing, Zixing, you still haven't changed much, haven't seen you for many years? Don't say contact me!

Ji Han lightly changed the subject, and he didn't mention his development and those luxury cars, but reminisced with Lin Zixing.

However, Ji's (bbed) Han's style, which fell into the eyes of other classmates, seemed to have a different meaning.

"Che, it really doesn't look like a good person, he doesn't even dare to say it!"

"It still looks like a dick. He didn't rent those luxury cars, did he?"

"It's just pretending to be a big head, just trying to support it, who can't see it, hehe!!

"Want to show off in front of the classmates? This Ji Han is too low, right? He even thought of renting a car, tsk tsk tsk!!

"Absolutely, or it's up to him? If he is really developed, how can we have no news at all?

When Ji Han and Lin Zixing were chatting for a long time, the students who were a little further away began to talk in a low voice again. The car was rented, so they looked quite disdainful, and even slandered and ridiculed Ji Han in secret, and looked at him with a strange look in their eyes.

If it was an ordinary person, seeing the strange expressions and whispering of his classmates, and talking to him while looking at him, he might not be able to bear these gazes long ago, but Ji Han seems to be unaware, and he is not like other people. The classmates said that, just after meeting and saying hello, they stood aside with Lin Zixing, like a transparent person, which was completely different from his appearance at the beginning.

As a result, the other students naturally confirmed their guesses. They either just nodded slightly towards Ji Han, or turned a blind eye to Ji Han, did not take Ji Han to heart at all, and directly put it aside, and It is to continue to please Ji Wanting!

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