At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

879 Is it because of Ji Han? 【Subscription】

I have to say that Ji Wanting is really a careful person!

Through a little uncertainty, she observes more details and discovers something that shocks her.

Because of preconceived notions, and Ji Wanting synthesizing every detail she observed, Ji Wanting found that those waitresses were not like waiters at all, but rather trained experts.

Moreover, the fingers of the waiters were slightly rough, and their nails were neatly manicured. There was absolutely nothing like what a young girl should have, not even the waiters.

Therefore, Ji Wanting was extremely puzzled at this time, and she was also very puzzled about this situation. She didn't know if she thought too much, or if she would discover something she couldn't imagine in this 797.

"By the way, these waiters are very respectful to Ji Han, but not to others, is it because of Ji Han??"

A thought flashed across Ji Wanting's mind, and she immediately realized that the key point was Ji Han, so she immediately looked at Ji Han with a little bit of surprise, wanting to see if this situation happened because of Ji Han.

You must know that Ji Wanting had a strange feeling from the very beginning of Ji Han's huge and luxurious lineup, and now this feeling has become clearer, making Ji Wanting begin to doubt Ji Han's identity.

It's just that Ji Han looks like a normal ten (bbed), and the whole person seems to be very low-key, so that Ji Wanting can't see anything at all.

Ji Han seemed to sense Ji Wanting's gaze immediately, he turned his head to look at Ji Wanting, then smiled at Ji Wanting, and nodded lightly at her as a greeting.

Ji Wanting was not embarrassed to be discovered by others. She also smiled slightly at Ji Han, then turned her head and started talking with her best friend.

Because Ji Wanting has received too little information and the situation is still unclear, she does not want to cause some unnecessary trouble, so she is reluctant to do too much for the time being.

However, Ji Wanting didn't know that her discovery was actually close to the truth.

In this Donghai International Hotel, since morning, most of the staff of this hotel have been replaced by elites from relevant departments, especially the staff serving Ji Han and the others are all well-trained masters. , just temporarily disguised as a waiter.

In addition, outside this hotel, a large number of military experts have surrounded the place, secretly controlling every person entering and leaving and vehicles entering and leaving, and strictly controlling all entrances and exits to prevent any unexpected situations. .

Among the dozens of people present, only Ji Wanting was attentive and observant, and only then noticed a little abnormal situation, while the others were immersed in the atmosphere of enthusiastic conversation, and did not notice any abnormality around them.

When all the wine and dishes were served, Yang Hong and the three immediately greeted the students to fill up their wine glasses.

Yang Hong greeted loudly: "Dear classmates, everyone must have a good time today, have enough food and wine, eat and drink with confidence, haha, come, let's fill up the wine!""

"Yes, yes, I'm really happy today, everyone gathered together, and Wanting has achieved great results again, let's drink one first!

"That's right, come, let's all raise our glasses together to celebrate Wanting and our gathering today!!99

Wang Lang and Xia Peiming also got up immediately and took the lead in toasting to speak.

The classmates next to them naturally laughed and filled their wine glasses, some drank white wine, some drank red wine, even Ji Han and Lin Zixing poured a glass of red wine, and then stood up and raised their glasses with all the classmates with a smile.

"Thank you classmates, come, let's go together!!"

Ji Wanting also seemed very forthright. She raised her wine glass and made her final speech. Then, dozens of wine glasses stretched out to the middle of the table.

Ji Han is no exception, this amount is not worth mentioning at all for her, and it dries up in one bite.

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