At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

880 hope is not what I imagined! 【Subscription】

After everyone was seated again, Sun Xiaoxiao, the best friend on Ji Wanting's right, said happily, "Wanting, so many classmates can come today, but it's all because of your face, you can have a few more drinks today, come, Hee hee, I'll give you a toast first, you have to think of me first if there is anything good in the future!"

With that said, Sun Xiaoxiao picked up the refilled wine glass and drank it.

Obviously, Sun Xiaoxiao already knows the gap between herself and Ji Wanting, so in order to have a better development in the future, she must firmly hug Ji Wanting's thigh.

And Han Yuanyuan, another best friend on the left, was not far behind, and immediately followed with a toast and said: "Yes, Wanting, we will rely on you to cover us in the future, come, I will also toast you!

After speaking, it was dry again, so don't be too bold!

This is the advantage of the building near the water, and Ji Wanting's two best friends know how to seize this advantage.

Seeing this, Ji Wanting had no choice but to raise her wine glass and take a sip.

Afterwards, the two best friends, Sun Xiaoxiao and Han Yuanyuan, seemed to be triumphant, as if they got on the high-speed car of Ji Wanting, and then they began to praise Ji Wanting constantly, and at the same time, they were also indirectly improving their own position.

The classmates sitting around naturally agreed for a while, and then began to toast Ji Wanting continuously, fearing that if they were a step behind, they would be irrelevant in the future.

Facing the enthusiasm of the classmates, even with the help of Yang Hong and the three of them to stop the wine, and even if Ji Wanting only took a sip every time, she couldn't stand it anymore. After a while, Ji Wanting felt a little dizzy.

No way, every classmate came to toast, she had to give face, she could only take a sip, but this was enough to make Ji Wan-ting slightly dizzy.

At this time, Ji Wanting didn't pay attention at all, and Ji Han and Lin Zixing didn't come to toast, Ji Wanting, who was slightly dizzy, stood up at this time and said to the classmate next to her, "I'm sorry, I'm going to the bathroom!

After she finished speaking, she refused to accompany Sun Xiaoxiao and the two with a smile, and then got up and left the box.

In fact, there is also a bathroom in the box. The reason why Ji Wanting went outside was because she wanted to wake up and go in later, and because the doubts in her heart could not be answered, she wanted to go out and check it out. thoughts in mind.

As for the drink that she drank, in fact, with Ji Wanting's current Qi Qi level seven-level cultivation base, a little bit of exercise can expel all the alcohol, how could she be really drunk!

Ji Wanting first went to the bathroom, took the opportunity to exhaust the alcohol, and then went to the other side of the hotel to observe the situation outside the hotel through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

"Hopefully it's not what I imagined it to be!

· · Flowers ·

While thinking about it, Ji Wanting turned her eyes to the periphery of the hotel below.

However, the next moment, Ji Wanting's pupils suddenly shrank sharply, her face changed suddenly, and her fists clenched subconsciously.

Because Ji Wanting saw that there were a large number of police officers, as well as a large number of armed police and army soldiers outside the hotel, they strictly controlled all the intersections outside the hotel, and strictly controlled all pedestrians and vehicles entering and leaving. review and inquiries.

In addition, Ji Wanting also observed that around the hotel, there are a large number of military masters in plainclothes hiding, and they carefully observed the surroundings at all times, as if worried that any danger would appear at any time.

The reason why Ji Wanting was able to recognize those military masters was because she was in a position of deliberate observation, and compared with ordinary people, those masters in plainclothes had completely different movements and behaviors, so Ji Wanting was able to take a look It can be seen that those are masters from the army!

Obviously, as Ji Wanting imagined, the entire hotel had been under martial law by the military at this time, and it was completely surrounded by water, and Ji Wanting's previous observation was also correct, even those waiters were not ordinary people, but some masters.

It's a bit shocking to find out like this!! Beg.

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