"This... what the hell is going on here?"

"Is the entire hotel under martial law?"

"My God, what is this for? 35

Ji Wanting's face was full of disbelief. Looking at the various arrangements outside the hotel below, as well as the large number of armed police and soldiers under martial law, she couldn't help exclaiming.

Even Ji Wanting once thought she was dazzled, and she carefully observed it back and forth several times before confirming it.

For a while, Ji Wanting's eyes were full of shock, and her face became extremely solemn.

At this time, Ji Wanting suddenly thought of Ji Han, the attitude of those waiters towards Ji Han, and all kinds of abnormal situations.

"Ji Han? No way? Could it be that the army dispatched such a big battle just to protect Ji Han? How is this possible? What is Ji Han's identity?

Thinking of it in this way, Ji Wanting suddenly raised countless questions in her heart, and Ji Wanting also immediately had doubts about Ji Han's identity.

Moreover, when Ji Wanting came out before, she could also observe all the waiters on this floor. She found that these waiters were indeed trained masters, and those waiters were very alert. When Ji Wanting passed by them, she even felt To the point, if they want to put it on themselves, it will only be a momentary thing.

In this way, Ji Wanting has been able to determine that either something major is about to happen in this hotel, or there may be a problem with Ji Han's identity, otherwise the military will never dispatch such a big battle.

"Whether it's true or not, just try it out and you'll know!"

Ji Wanting pondered for a while before making a decision in her heart.

She decided to test Ji Han to see if Ji Han really has an unusual identity.

You must know that her real strength has risen a lot now, and she has joined the military, and her identity will become different in the future, so she dared to try Ji Han, otherwise she would have been nothing. Found!

And Ji Wanting really wanted to know, what happened to Ji Han, or what kind of extraordinary luck did he get to attract such a huge lineup of guards when he traveled!

That's right, Ji Wanting has already seen that the masters in the entire hotel and the martial law troops outside the hotel are only for protection, not to arrest criminals. Ji Wanting is still clear about this.

Suppressing all the emotions in her heart, Ji Wanting began to return to the box with a hint of doubt and temptation.

However, before Ji Wanting began to test Ji Han, Ji Wanting, who had just returned to the box, was enthusiastically pulled over by her classmates.

"Haha, Wanting, why have you been gone for so long, come and come, the classmates are all waiting to toast you!"

Seeing Ji Wanting walking into the box, Yang Hong's eyes suddenly lit up, he immediately raised his hand and shouted.

"Yes, yes, Wanting, we haven't respected you yet, so you have to give face! 35

"Yeah yeah, Wanting, come, I'll give you a toast first, I'll do it, you can do whatever you want!""

"Wanting, we've been waiting for you for a long time, haha, come, take a seat first!"

"Yes yes, sit down first, but we can't let our Wanting stand! 39

More than a dozen classmates who had not yet toasted Ji Wanting gathered around at this time, greeted Ji Wanting with a smile, and prepared to wait in line to make a toast one by one after she sat down.

No way, these classmates have already regarded Ji Wanting as a boss-like figure. If they don't seize the opportunity to toast now, if they want to be so close to Ji Wanting in the future, they may not have a chance!

Ji Wanting sat down on the seat with a smile on her face. Although she was a little impatient at this time and wanted to take the time to implement the trial plan, she could not refuse these enthusiastic classmates. Said that he was developed, but looked down on his old classmates.

Therefore, Ji Wanting could only accept the toasts from every classmate with a smile on her face, until everyone returned to their seats satisfied!


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