
Ji Wanting couldn't help but secretly let out a sigh of relief!

Facing dozens of enthusiastic classmates, she had to learn to cope and smile. She could neither refuse nor make people feel perfunctory. Ji Wanting was really tired. Fortunately, these things had come to an end at this time, and she finally let go. He breathed a sigh of relief and was able to relax for a while.

As soon as she breathed a sigh of relief, Ji Wanting looked at Ji Han's position subconsciously, and saw Ji Han and Lin Zixing chatting happily, taking two sips from time to time, obviously in good spirits.

It was only then that Ji Wanting remembered that among the dozens of classmates present, only Ji Han and Lin Zixing did not come to toast her.

"Could it be that he is really the object of military protection?" Ji Wanting couldn't help thinking to herself.

At this moment, Ji Wanting's interest in Ji 11 Han has increased a lot, not only because of suspicion of his identity, but also because Ji Han does not have any favors or pursuits for her, and does not even look at her more, so The performance of Ji Wanting was a bit out of the ordinary, which naturally made Ji Wanting more interested.

Thinking like this, Ji Wanting was going to go over there to test it out to see if it was what she thought.

However, before Ji Wanting got up, suddenly there was some commotion outside the door, and then there was a burst of hurried footsteps, as if someone was running fast.

Such a commotion immediately attracted the attention of everyone in the box. They stopped immediately, and then either frowned or looked at the door in surprise.

It's just that these commotions only seemed to happen on their floor, and the commotion passed quickly, and no bigger commotion continued to appear.

"Haha, it's alright, maybe the waiter is in a hurry to deliver something, don't be affected, come on, let's continue drinking!!

After being quiet for a while, Yang Hong saw that there was no other situation, so he immediately stood up and comforted a few words.

The classmates didn't take it seriously, and wanted to resume the lively scene again.

However, at this moment, a mutation occurred!


bang bang bang!!

A piercing and violent gunshot suddenly sounded outside the hotel, just like setting off a string of firecrackers in a quiet environment. Can not help but tremble slightly.

The words are divided into two parts, and the time is returned to half an hour ago.

At this time, Ji Han was about to arrive at the Donghai International Hotel, but before Ji Han arrived, there were several waves of militants hidden near the Donghai International Hotel, that is, at various passages and places with dense traffic!

That's right, they are armed men, and they are all armed men equipped with various advanced thermal weapons and wearing body armor.

These militants are divided into three waves, and all of them are Western foreigners, whites and blacks, each of them is extremely tall and mighty, and there are more or less scars on their bodies or faces. Some people have confronted them, You will find a ferocious aura coming.

The three waves of Western militants were all hidden in the car at this time, a total of six black modified extended vans, two by two, staying near the three entrances of the Donghai International Hotel, the main entrance, the side entrance, and the back entrance.

Before Ji Han arrived, that is, before the hotel was completely under martial law, the six vans had been parked there, and there was no movement of the 797, and the interior of the car could not be seen through the window, so the six vans were not Didn't get anyone's attention.

Soon, through observation, the Western foreigners in the car discovered Ji Han's arrival.

Parked in a van near the entrance of the hotel's main entrance, a tall and mighty white foreigner saw Ji Han's team coming, immediately picked up the walkie-talkie, and said in English: "The target has appeared, the target has appeared, please instruct !"

A deep voice came from the walkie-talkie: "Don't move for a while, wait for instructions! 39

"Understood! 35

After the white man replied, he put down the walkie-talkie, and glanced at Ji Han who had just got off the bus with a dangerous look, then withdrew his gaze and waited again!

Bureau g

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