At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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Murder is here!

Except for the parties involved, no one knew that there were so many militants hiding outside the Donghai International Hotel.

However, shortly after Ji Han entered the hotel, the military forces and a large number of police put the Donghai International Hotel under complete martial law.

Seeing this scene, the white leader immediately picked up the walkie-talkie to report: "Bai Ying reports that the Donghai International Hotel is currently under full martial law, and the guards are very strict, please instruct!

"According to the plan!


Putting down the walkie-talkie, he looked at the martial law soldiers outside the car window. Not only the white man, but the other militants in the car did not show any signs of fear, but instead smiled cruelly.

Because before that, they had already anticipated this situation. If the target is really the person they imagined, then the person will travel with strict guards, so they have been psychologically prepared. Just make a plan!

This group of militants are actually some of the more famous and powerful mercenaries in Western countries. The reason why they appeared in the East China Sea and hid outside the East China Sea International Hotel is precisely for Ji Han.

And behind these powerful and murderous mercenaries, it is actually those Western countries. Without the support of those Western countries, it is absolutely impossible for them to sneak into Kyushu and come to Donghai City silently.

It is precisely because of the strong backers behind them that these ruthless mercenaries with no bottom line have no fear, even in Kyushu.

Once the order is completed, they will receive a commission that will never be spent in a lifetime, which is one of the reasons why they dare to work hard.

In fact, as early as a few days ago, these militants had already sneaked into Donghai City and closely monitored Ji Han's residence. Therefore, they were so aware of Ji Han's whereabouts, and it was precisely because of Ji Han's this time The trip gave these militants an excellent opportunity to quickly formulate relevant plans and plans.

Touching the advanced weapons in their hands, those brutal mercenaries were full of confidence, even if this was the territory of Kyushu, even if there were a large number of police and soldiers under martial law in front of them.

After waiting for a while, the white man in the direction of the front door immediately raised his palm, and then said coldly: "Everyone is ready, everything is going according to plan~々!"

"Understood! 99

"Received! 35


More than a dozen mercenaries in the car responded immediately, and even a few were too lazy to speak, and directly pulled the bolt, indicating that they were ready for battle.

For the mercenaries who came through the hail of bullets, battles have long been commonplace, and they cannot be blamed at all.

Soon, five minutes later, the long-awaited command came from the walkie-talkie in the hand of the white mercenary: "All listen to the order, start action immediately, repeat, please start action immediately!!


The white mercenary responded with a deep voice, and then his eyes became sharp and dangerous.

The mercenaries who were waiting in the other two positions also received instructions and began to prepare for battle.

On the side of the main entrance, the white mercenary dropped the walkie-talkie, and immediately ordered the driver beside him: "Go, start action, everyone is ready!

Immediately, the two vans in the three directions moved and slowly drove towards the Donghai International Hotel. They looked like (Zhao Nuozhao) guests who wanted to enter the hotel, which seemed quite normal.

However, the martial law here are all military experts and experienced police officers. When they saw two vans approaching the entrance at the same time, the policemen at the three entrances immediately stretched out their hands and shouted: " Stop, please stop first, please cooperate with our work!!”

Before it is clear who is in the van, neither the police nor the soldiers will mess around, but they should be vigilant. At this time, the soldiers at the three entrances are already staring at The van!.

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