At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

884 The consequences are serious! 【Subscription】

However, it is good that it is not stopped. After someone came forward to block the vehicles, the six vans that were only average speeds suddenly increased their speed, and the accelerators were stepped to the bottom in an instant, so that the noses of the six vans sounded like a booming sound, and then like a rumbling sound. The mad cow rushed to the level suddenly, wanting to rush directly into the hotel.

"Stop, stop for me!"

"Who are you? Tell you to stop and hear?"

"Grass, if we don't stop, we'll shoot, stop for labor!

"Someone rushed to the border, hurry up, everyone should take precautions, be careful!!"


After seeing this scene, the fortified soldiers at the entrances of the three passages immediately changed their expressions and shouted loudly and angrily to stop them, trying to prevent the vans from rushing through the gate.

At the same time, all the soldiers and policemen pulled out their guns and pulled the bolts, and various alarms were heard immediately. For a time, the entire 797 personnel who were under martial law outside the Donghai International Hotel received a warning.

However, the six vans turned a blind eye, their speed increased instead of dropping, and they broke through the railing at the checkpoint with a "click", and then frantically drove towards the hotel gate.

And in the process of driving to the hotel gate, the windows of the six vans rolled down at the same time, revealing the black muzzles of the guns, and then bursts of flames emerged from the muzzles.

"Bang bang bang!!"

"Da da da!!

A large number of bullets madly poured out towards the soldiers who were chasing, and in an instant, some soldiers who could not respond were smashed into a sieve.

Puff puff!!

More than a dozen soldiers immediately fell in response, while the soldiers and police next to them were startled and hurried to the side.

At this time, the soldiers under martial law did not know that the people who rushed to the pass were not ordinary people at all, but enemies with ferocious fangs.

"An enemy attack, an enemy attack, hurry up and escape!"

"Fight back, fight back freely, stop them for me! 35

"Grass, Xiao Wang, Xiao Liu, I will fuck you, labor and capital will kill you!""

"Hurry up and report it, and say that there are terrorists attacking the Donghai International Hotel, and ask for support from above!"

"Everyone has it, the other party has a large number of advanced thermal weapons, and they are absolutely vicious terrorists, don't keep their hands, repeat, everyone don't have to keep their hands, hit me hard!

After the terrorists launched the first wave of offensive, the outside of the Donghai International Hotel immediately exploded, and all the military experts and policemen drew their guns to fight back, and issued various roars and orders at the same time!

At this time, all the soldiers have understood that the attacking people are absolutely terrible terrorists, these people have no bottom line, and (bbed) are not worth keeping, so they must use all their energy and fight back with all their strength , as far as possible to kill all of them, so as not to cause greater panic and turmoil!

If these terrorists rush into the hotel and take a large number of hostages, then they will change from active to passive, and it will be difficult to kill them all if they are tied, and this may also cause casualties of the hostages. Not to mention the reputational damage to the police department.

Moreover, the leaders responsible for setting up levels and martial law tasks thought of Ji Han at the first time, thinking of the scene after Ji Han was kidnapped by these terrorists, and if the situation really developed as they thought, the consequences would be serious. , is simply not what they can imagine, because Ji Han's identity goes straight to the sky.

At this moment, the leaders of the relevant departments were dripping with cold sweat, and the chills were pouring down their backs, like falling into an ice cave, and their hatred for these terrorists also reached its peak.

"Immediately, immediately, give me all the power to kill those terrorists, absolutely can't let them rush into the hotel, do you understand?"

The leaders who were frightened for half their lives immediately roared and ordered to send out all the surrounding troops. They did not dare to delay in the slightest, and immediately picked up the phone and reported the situation to the top.

They are deeply afraid that if they are slow for a moment, the remaining half of their lives will be gone!

No one would have imagined that when the police station and the army were all under martial law, there would actually be an unexpected situation, and it was an attack by terrorists!


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