East China Sea International Hotel, 28th floor.

In the box, when there was a sudden burst of shrill and frightening gunshots outside the hotel, everyone in the box, except Ji Han, immediately changed their faces and stood up in fright.

"What's going on? What's going on?"

"Fuck, is it the sound of gunshots? Where's the sound of gunshots coming from?'

"What's the situation? What's the matter? Is it firecrackers or real gunshots? Don't scare me!

"My God, what's going on? Come on, get out the window and see—what's going on!"

"How can there be gunshots? It can't be true, can it? How is that possible? 35

Including Ji Wanting, almost everyone was so frightened that they kept exclaiming and seemed a little flustered. Some people were so frightened that they knocked over the tableware on the table, some people overturned the chairs behind them when they stood up subconsciously, and many others. People were so frightened that their bodies trembled.

Especially those female classmates, almost all of them were so frightened that they turned pale, and couldn't help hugging each other.

Among so many people, only Ji Han sat and drank tea with a calm face, but there was a trace of cold killing intent in his eyes.

In such a panicked situation, no one noticed Ji Han's abnormality, and Yang Hong and others were also a little flustered at this moment, not knowing what to do at all.

Instead, it was Ji Wanting who stood up at this time. She had regained her composure and calm. Looking at the panicked classmates around, Ji Wanting immediately reassured her: "Don't be afraid, everyone, what we hear is not necessarily gunshots, and even if If something unexpected happens, we are on the 28th floor, and there will be nothing wrong, not to mention that this is in our Kyushu territory, the country will never let us in any danger, please calm down!"

As expected of a talent that the Kyushu military values, Ji Wanting's psychological quality at this moment, even Ji Han can't help but nod secretly.

Ji Wanting's remarks were like a needle in the sea. Although they couldn't eliminate everyone's panic, they still played a great role in soothing and calmed the students a lot.

Seeing that everyone has settled down a lot, Ji Wanting's face softened a little, and then she immediately said to Yang Hong and other male classmates: "Yang Hong, and you guys, go out the window to see what happened! 99

"Xia Peiming, go to the door and ask the waiter what happened next, let's figure out what's going on first, don't worry!

In such an unexpected situation, they can't do anything until the reason is unknown, it's better to figure out what happened first!

After Yang Hong and other male classmates heard Ji Wanting's instructions, although they were a little scared, they boldly walked to the window and looked down.

· · Flowers · ·

"Bang bang bang!!

"Da da da......""

But before they could see what was going on, there were bursts of incomparably clear gunshots from below, which made Yang Hong and the others tremble suddenly, and hurriedly retreated from the window.

The rest of the classmates had already calmed down a lot, but at this time they panicked again, obviously they could no longer be appeased, and they were deeply afraid that terrorists would attack.

Seeing this scene, a hint of disappointment flashed in Ji Wanting's eyes, she sighed softly, and prepared to go to the window to check it herself.

However, Ji Han stood up slowly at this time, then walked to the window, looked down at the hotel with a calm expression, his face was calm, and he could not see any reaction.

Ji Wanting saw Ji Han behave like this, but her eyes lit up, her guess became more certain, and then she walked quickly to the window and looked down at the hotel.

Then she saw the scene where the terrorists drove vehicles and tried to storm the hotel.

From the perspective of Ji Wanting's observation at the moment, she only saw the scene of the four vans rushing through the front door and the side door frantically, and at the same time, she also saw that the terrorists in the car were firing frantically, causing more than ten soldiers and police casualties in an instant. The tragic scene begging.

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