At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

886 Emotional breakdown! 【Subscription】


Ji Wanting was so frightened that she immediately screamed, but then she reacted immediately, and hurriedly covered her mouth with her small hand, suppressing her scream.

But the horror in Ji Wanting's eyes could not be concealed at all, she never imagined that she saw such a terrifying scene.

She could not have imagined that the so-called accident would turn out to be a tragic and terrifying terrorist attack!

Originally, after Ji Wanting found out that the surrounding area of ​​the hotel was under martial law, although she was very curious about it, she felt a lot more at ease, but who would have thought that facing the martial law of a large number of military soldiers and police, there would be terror. The terrorists dared to rush through the border and shoot more than a dozen people outright. This is simply insane.

"How did this happen? How did it happen? Who the hell are those people??"

Ji Wanting's face was full of horror, and her heart was also full of surprise, she was completely confused about what happened below the hotel.

It was only then that Ji Wanting understood what the footsteps had just heard outside the box. It must have been those masters who were disguised as waiters who had received the news and hurried to the direction of the elevator.

However, Ji Han on the other side just watched quietly with a face full of indifference, neither shocked nor afraid, as if turning a blind eye.

The students who were very panicked at this time saw Ji Han and Ji Wanting standing at the window without any danger, they immediately followed to the window boldly, and then they saw the horror of the crazy gunfight in front of the hotel door. scene.

"Hmm... is it really gunshots? There's a gunfight down there?"

"My God, what's going on? Crazy? What did I see?"

"Who are those people? Terrorists? Terrorist attacks? Or catching criminals?"

"Fuck, is it really a shootout? Is the world so crazy?"

"Grass, look, more than a dozen policemen have already been knocked down. They won't die, right? Damn him, what the hell is going on?"

Looking at the scene of the crazy gunfight below the hotel, almost everyone in the box was so frightened that their expressions changed drastically. The sound kept coming.

Where have the flowers in these greenhouses ever seen such a terrifying and tragic scene, which is completely different from the scene they saw in the movie. The scene in the movie is just shocking and beautiful, but the real shootout is not It was so tragic, even standing on the 28th floor and looking down, the tragic scene went straight to the heart, making Yang Hong and others all pale, and their bodies trembled uncontrollably.

Those female classmates were so frightened that they grabbed the people around them, especially after seeing that several police officers were shot and killed because they failed to respond, they were so frightened that they turned their heads and screamed, and didn't dare to look at them again. .

Even the big men like Yang Hong were the same. Not only were their faces pale, but their lips were constantly trembling, and the horror and panic in their eyes almost overflowed from their sockets.

"It must have been a terrorist attack, it must have been!!

A male student was so frightened that he screamed!

Another female colleague cried: "Woooo...what should we do? What should we do? I don't want to die. If they rush up, what should we do?"

Obviously, the emotions of these two classmates are on the verge of collapse!

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu0000000 I don't want to die either, just think of a way! 35

"Quick, go and close the door, and block it with something, quick! 99

4.3 "Yes yes yes, block the door, quick, let's go together!"

"Call the police, call the police, what are you waiting for!"

The collapsed mood of the two classmates directly affected the others, and the other classmates also cried out one after another, their expressions full of bewilderment.

However, some of them remained calm and immediately took out their phones and started calling the police. At the same time, a few people started to block the door with tables and chairs, trying to make the box a safe place!


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