Donghai City, within the Military Division.

In a huge office in the military subdivision, five people were sitting on the sofa for guests at this time.

Among the five people, two are middle-aged people, one of them is wearing a straight military uniform, with a resolute and dignified face, slightly white hair, and occasionally a sharp light shines through his eyes, which is extremely strong and has some sharp edges. a feeling of.

And on the military uniform that man was wearing, the epaulettes on both sides were decorated with golden branches and leaves and a golden star emblem. This man was actually a major general in the army.

This person's name is Ye Tiannan, he is the commander of this military division, and he is a major general at the division level, with great authority.

The other middle-aged man was wearing a decent blue suit and a pair of black-rimmed glasses, but his face was slightly youthful. He was white and clean, and looked extremely gentle, and his hair was combed and shiny, which was obviously extremely Pay attention to personal grooming.

This middle-aged man, named Li Wen, was a leader of a relevant department, and his position was at the main office level, basically equivalent to Ye Tiannan.

The other three are all young people in their early thirties, two of them are also wearing military uniforms, and looking at their epaulettes, one is a major and the other is a lieutenant colonel, obviously they should be the more prominent young men in the army. , but also in a senior position.

The two were named Han Jianguo and Xu Li.

In the end, the young man looked more ordinary. He also wore a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, a black casual suit, and a gentle demeanor. He was sitting on the sofa quietly listening to Ye Tiannan and the others (bbed) chatting, only occasionally replying. .

This person's name is Lin Zhengyuan. Don't look at him as if he has a low sense of existence, but his identity is somewhat unusual. He is not only the deputy leader of a mysterious department, but also the grandson of Lin Mushan. After Lin Mushan learned that Ji Han was leaving today, he immediately He sent Lin Zhengyuan over to show his attention.

These five people are the representatives of the military and the leaders of relevant departments. They are jointly responsible for the security of Ji Han, as well as various arrangements and arrangements. All five of them are responsible and work together.

The reason why they are staying in the military sub-district to drink tea a little leisurely at the moment is because they think they have made various arrangements and attach great importance to the safety of Ji Han's itinerary, but they also don't think there will be any major problems. , so he did not come forward in person, but handed it over to his subordinates, who were responsible for leading the overall situation behind the scenes.

However, things often turn out unexpectedly!

Just as Ye Tiannan and the others were chatting happily, Lieutenant Colonel Xu Li's cell phone suddenly rang on the table.

At this critical moment, on this special day, the phone suddenly rang, like a bad signal, causing Ye Tiannan and others to frown secretly, their hearts also subconsciously raised, a bad feeling filled their minds.

Xu Li's face changed slightly, and his expression became extremely serious, because he knew that this phone number was a special line number, and he had also instructed that if there was no important matter, the people under his command would definitely not call him this phone number. Obviously, there should be a major event now, or some uncontrollable unexpected situation.

Ye Tiannan frowned slightly, glanced at Xu Li, and said solemnly: "Yes!

Obviously, Ye Tiannan also realized that something bad must have happened, because all the arrangements and arrangements were handled by Xu Li and Han Jianguo.


Xu Li nodded in response, immediately picked up the phone and connected to the channel: "Hey, I'm Xu Li!"

A slightly anxious voice came from the other end of the phone: "Reporting Lieutenant Colonel Xu, I am Zhang Changlin, the company commander of the 3rd Company, 1st Battalion, 7th Regiment, 7th Regiment, 115th Division, 34th Scattered Brigade, and I'm reporting to you that ten minutes ago, a group of The militants are attacking the East China Sea International Hotel in three separate ways, breaking through the peripheral checkpoints, and causing more than ten casualties. At this time, they are being besieged by our side at the front and back doors of the hotel. In addition, this group of militants They are all equipped with extremely advanced weapons and ammunition, their firepower is extremely ferocious, and their style of conduct is extremely ferocious. Lieutenant Colonel Xu immediately sent people to support, it's over! 35

The company commander Zhang Changlin on the other end of the phone briefly reported the entire incident to Xu Li in short and concise language, and asked for military support!

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