At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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"What? There were militants attacking the Donghai International Hotel, suspected of going to protect the target, and causing more than ten casualties? What the hell is going on? Zhang Changlin, please explain to me right away!

After hearing this report, Xu Li's expression changed drastically, he stood up with a horrified face, and shouted and questioned the phone.

The reason why Xu Li reacted this way was not because he was frightened by the attacks of those militants, but because he thought that if these militants disturbed Ji Han, then their culpability would be greater. What he was worried about was this.

And Ye Tiannan and others, who had a bad feeling at first, all changed their faces after hearing Xu Li's roar, and they all stood up with extremely heavy expressions.

Ye Tiannan immediately roared at Xu Li: "Quick, find out what's going on for me immediately, immediately, immediately!!"

At this moment, Ye Tiannan, whose face was full of majesty, seemed extremely furious. He could never have imagined that someone would actually dare to stroke their tiger whiskers in a simple protection incident. Most importantly, someone would dare to hit the attention of their protection target. This is simply courting death!

Therefore, Ye Tiannan instantly became furious!

Lin Zhengyuan and Li Wen were so angry that their faces were ashen, and they didn't expect such an unexpected situation to happen.


Xu Li was also full of rage, and hurriedly asked Zhang Changlin~ in detail.

"The bell bell...

"Ding Ding Ding..." 5

At this time, Li Wen and Lin Zhengyuan's mobile phones rang immediately.

Li Wen and Lin Zhengyuan looked at each other with a heavy look on their faces, and immediately answered the phone.

On the other end of the phone, their subordinates also reported the Donghai International Hotel attack to them and asked for instructions!

After a while, Li Wen and others all understood the cause of the incident and the entire process. They already knew that the reason why those terrorists attacked the East China Sea International Hotel was definitely aimed at their protection target, and they were all murderous international hirelings. soldier.

"Damn, they are courting death!!" Li Wen yelled angrily.

Ye Tiannan laughed angrily and said: "Okay, okay, dare to enter my Kyushu territory to commit murder, and cause us more than ten casualties, haha, very good, if they can get out of Kyushu, labor and capital will punish themselves!

Obviously, this terrorist attack made Ye Tiannan and Li Wen from the relevant departments extremely angry, as if they were slapped hard in the face.

Lin Zhengyuan also had a cold face, and said coldly: "There are people who are not afraid of death, Commander Ye, what do you think?"

Lin Zhengyuan was sent by his grandfather to protect Ji Han, not only to attach importance to Ji Han, but also to hope that Lin Zhengyuan could enter Ji Han's eyes and seek opportunities for Lin Zhengyuan to be close to the water.

But now Ji Han has been disturbed by those terrorists. Their lack of protection is simply a big mistake. Now they should find a chance to make up for it.

··For flowers......

Xu Li and Han Jianguo were even more livid, so gloomy that they were about to drip, because all the protection measures and arrangements of the military were arranged by them, but now there has been such a big mistake, and it has disturbed the honorable man. To protect the target, Xu Li and Han Jianguo could not wait to kill those terrorists immediately.

Ye Tiannan also knew that the situation was urgent at this time, so there was no need to think more, and he ordered Xu Li angrily: "Quick, pass my order, and immediately send the sixth and seventh regiments of the 3rd, 4th, and 3rd brigade, and let the helicopter squadron immediately dispatch. Set off, give me a quick extermination of those terrorists, not one of them can be spared!"

"Yes, Commander!!"

Xu Li and Han Jianguo immediately saluted and took their orders away.

They all knew that the commander was already in a state of rage, otherwise he would never have dispatched a large number of troops.

And Li Wen also said to Lin Zhengyuan at this time: "Zhengyuan, immediately call the city police station, ask them to dispatch all police forces, fully cooperate with the military's actions, and immediately send people to clear the road, there must be no blocking factors. 95

"it is good!

Lin Zhengyuan also knew that the situation was urgent and immediately responded.

At this moment, everything has to be put aside, everything has to make way for the eradication of terrorists, and absolutely no factors are allowed to hinder this action! Beg.

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