As the leaders of the military sub-division and the leaders of related departments were suddenly furious, the entire Eastern Navy sub-division suddenly moved like a sophisticated instrument.

Following Ye Tiannan's order, the 6th and 7th regiments of the 343rd Brigade's 6th and 7th regiments were assembled in just three minutes. All kinds of advanced weapons and ammunition were prepared. Hundreds of brand-new The troop transport vehicles parked in the military sub-district playground.

In addition, on the other side, there were also six armed helicopters with their blades turned on, and the huge "797" wind and rumbling sounded constantly on the playground.

At this time, Xu Li and Han Jianguo are urging every soldier and making mission arrangements!

"Hurry up, hurry up, I don't want to stress it again, all must start in three minutes, if anyone can't keep up, they will be expelled from the military and punished severely!"

"You all listen to the labor and management. Now a group of terrorists is attacking the East China Sea International Hotel, which has caused more than ten casualties in our army, and they are also preparing to hold our protection targets hostage. This is attacking our East Navy Division. face!"

"Therefore, the commander has an order to kill all terrorists, not one of them!

"Bring me all the conventional weapons, the heavy machine guns are also loaded up for labor and capital, and there is no need to save on grenades and flash bombs. We must destroy the enemy in the shortest possible time, and we must not let them disturb our protection target. , what a shame, it would be a shame to give them an extra minute of labor!

"Are you all ready?"

Lieutenant Colonel Xu Li roared with anger on his face, this was also a pre-war mobilization, so that the soldiers would not understand anything.


The soldiers of the Sixth Regiment and the Seventh Regiment roared in response.

For those terrorists who suddenly appeared, they also caused more than ten casualties to their comrades. This was an unforgivable death penalty. Therefore, all the soldiers were so angry that they could not wait to kill them immediately.

"Okay, let's go now, let's go!"

Xu Li waved his hand and immediately gave the order to start.

Immediately, Xu Li and Han Jianguo turned around to the off-road vehicle that had been prepared, and rushed out first with a bang.

Behind the off-road vehicle, hundreds of personnel carriers immediately lined up in a long line, following behind the off-road vehicle and heading towards the door.

Da da da!!

The six armed helicopters also rose into the air at the same time, and then roared towards the East China Sea International Hotel.

At the entrance of the military division, Ye Tiannan and Li Wen were riding in the same off-road vehicle. They had already been waiting here. Seeing Xu Li and the others had come out, there was no need for Ye Tiannan's instructions. The soldier driving the car immediately stepped on it. He stepped on the accelerator and swerved away from the military sub-district, also quickly approaching the East China Sea International Hotel..

In this way, under the instructions of Ye Tiannan, a large number of troops of the East Navy Division bravely marched forward, preparing to completely encircle and suppress the terrorists.

Along the way, police cars cleared the way, traffic control was implemented at each intersection, and all traffic flow was cleared to ensure that the army could pass quickly without hindrance.

In the sky, the helicopter opened the way, and there were repeated rumblings.

And this spectacular and menacing scene naturally fell into the eyes of many citizens, who were immediately surprised.

"Damn it, is this the army of the military division? What are they doing here?"

"Look, a helicopter was also dispatched, what the hell, it wouldn't be a war, would it?"

"Don't you know? I heard that a group of terrorists launched a terrorist attack on the Donghai International Hotel more than ten minutes ago. These troops should be there to exterminate the criminals!

"My God, terrorist attack? There is such a thing in 4.3? Why didn't I hear about it?"

"Damn, it's so hot? Hurry up, let's follow along and see, hurry up!"

Along the way, after seeing this scene, a large number of citizens began to talk frantically, and the news of the terrorist attack on the Donghai International Hotel also spread rapidly in the urban area, causing people to panic for a while, but many curious people did not. He couldn't help but follow him, wanting to see what was going on.

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