At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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"Fake, helicopter?"

"Sheet, they have a helicopter?"

"Damn, what are we going to do now? Waiting to be bombed to death by a helicopter? 99

"Hurry up and find a way to contact the people above, hurry up!"

These mercenaries are all too familiar with the sound of helicopters, so just after hearing the sound of the helicopter, they suddenly shouted anxiously, and finally there was a hint of panic in their expressions.

Obviously, they didn't really realize until now that if they didn't deal with it carefully, or couldn't think of a good breakout plan, then they might really be buried here.

Who would have thought that what they thought was an easy task turned into a cannibalistic abyss, and the people of Kyushu, who had not paid them any attention at all, were now about to incarnate as gods of death, ready to harvest their lives, which made Bauer* How can Smith et al.

However, before they could come up with a solution, the next moment, the huge whistling sound of the helicopter came like a rumble, and it was about to burst the eardrums, and gusts of wind followed.

In addition, Bauer Smith and others also felt a slight vibration, and as time passed, this vibration became more and more obvious.

This is because, on the main road that Bauer Smith and others can't see, hundreds of personnel carriers are galloping towards this place, aggressive, and the murderous aura they condense has also formed an invisible invisible wave, moving towards this place. Those mercenaries kept approaching, and the shock felt by Bauer Smith and the others was caused by hundreds of troop transports moving in unison.

Moreover, after approaching the Donghai International Hotel, hundreds of personnel carriers were scattered directly. They were divided into several convoys, and they continued to drive from all directions and intersections of the hotel, in order to completely surround the entire Donghai International Hotel. , so as to eliminate terrorists more quickly.

On the 28th floor, in the box of Ruyi Hall.

At this moment, in this box, some of the classmates were huddled together in panic, comforting and encouraging each other, while the other classmates had been standing in front of the huge floor-to-ceiling windows, constantly observing the battle situation on the ground.

Ji Han is one of them. In fact, from the beginning to the end, Ji Han never left the window, but Ji Han didn't show any reaction. He always looked out the window with a calm expression, as if he was just appreciating the scenery outside the window. The scenery is nothing, compared with other panicked classmates, it is extremely unique!

It is precisely because of this that many students look at Ji Han with strange and amazed eyes, and some people have even seen Ji Han's difference.

Ji Wanting looked at Ji Han frequently, but because of the inappropriate occasion and the current battle situation, she couldn't ask Ji Han anything.

Although the other students were still very panicked and had great pessimism about what might happen next, they had seen it for more than half an hour, and those terrorists had never rushed to the hotel, and they seemed to be trapped. was below, so they also began to calm down slowly, and at the same time they were waiting for the rescue of the army.

In fact, after calming down, many students also saw a lot of abnormal things, and also raised many questions, such as why there is a sudden terrorist attack here?

Why are there so many martial law officers under the hotel, both soldiers and police?

Why did the soldiers and police respond so quickly?

Why didn't they find anything when they came up?

This series of discoveries and (Zhao Nuozhao) doubts are flooding the hearts of many students, but they understand that now is not the time to ask about these things, and if there are no soldiers and police who guard the hotel early in the morning, they will Maybe they have been held hostage by terrorists, so those classmates no longer think about it, they just want to get through this terrorist attack safely.

In fact, if they had the courage to open the door of the box, they would find that not only outside the hotel, but also outside the box, there were more than a dozen military experts protecting them, and they never left.

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