
Ji Han frowned secretly and muttered in a voice that only he could hear.

However, even if Ji Wanting and the others heard it, they did not understand what Ji Han meant at all. The reason why Ji Han has not taken any action and did not respond is actually waiting for the official action of Kyushu, and also wanted to see how the military responded. .

After waiting for so long, Ji Han is already a little impatient. He didn't expect that the personnel who were under martial law outside the hotel could not take down the terrorists, and the support did not come as quickly as expected, which made Ji Han slightly disappointed. .

The next moment, Ji Han saw helicopters and a large number of personnel carriers galloping in the distance, and then his slightly frowning eyebrows loosened.

Then, Ji Han's face moved slightly, but immediately returned to calm.

Ji Wanting, who had been observing Ji Han, was not only a little puzzled, she didn't understand what caught Ji Han's attention, but at the next moment, a knock on the door rang from outside the door.

"Tuk Tuk Tuk!!

The sudden knock on the door instantly startled everyone except Ji Han, and even many people jumped up in fright, or subconsciously drilled into the bottom of the table, obviously they thought it was a terrorist rushing. came up.

"Fuck, who is it?"

"Who... who is knocking on the door?"

"Come on, who is it?"

A few frightened classmates immediately shouted out the door tremblingly, obviously still holding on to a glimmer of hope. After all, if they were really gangsters, they might have rushed in instead of knocking on the door.

Of course, because of what Ji Han said before, they didn't block the door with anything, just locked it. If the gangster who rushed in was really a gangster, then they might have no hope.

At this moment, except Ji Han, who still turned his back to the door and looked out the window indifferently, everyone else was staring at the box door nervously, panic, anticipation and fear all appeared, and many students were even nervous Gotta tremble.

It's just that the person knocking on the door seemed to understand the nervousness and worry of those inside, and a calm and slightly majestic voice suddenly sounded: "Don't be afraid, everyone, I am Ye Tiannan, the commander of the Eastern Navy Division, not a gangster. This time, I am here. To ensure everyone's safety, in addition, all the terrorists were trapped outside the hotel gate by my soldiers (bbed) at this time, and did not break out of the siege. In addition, if you still don't believe it, please look out the window, those helicopters are reinforcements troop!

"Please open the door to the people inside, and I will send someone to escort everyone away!

At this time, Ye Tiannan just asked them to open the door as the commander of the military division, but did not immediately reveal Ji Han's identity.

After hearing Ye Tiannan's words, all the students immediately breathed a sigh of relief, and then ordered to look at each other, their eyes full of surprises.

"It's Commander Ye, haha, it's Commander Ye here, we're safe!"

'Here, finally, woohoo...we're saved!'"

"Damn it, there are really a few helicopters coming from outside, it looks like someone from the military has arrived!"

"Haha, yes, yes, look, it's really a helicopter, and the terrorists below did not break out of the siege! 99

"Then what are you waiting for, open the door!"

All the classmates screamed in surprise. At the same time, they also subconsciously turned their heads and looked out the window. They actually saw several helicopters whistling. For a time, all the classmates were ecstatic, and they no longer had any doubts about Ye Tiannan's words. , immediately someone went to open the door.


As the door opened, under the nervous and expectant gazes of everyone, a few people poured in immediately outside the door.

These people were the ones who took the lead and did not follow the support troops, but the five Ye Tiannan who rushed to the East China Sea International Hotel at the fastest speed.

Among them, Ye Tiannan walked into the box first, Li Wen and Lin Zhengyuan followed closely, and Xu Li and Han Jianguo followed.


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