
Ye Tiannan's five people were in good shape and quickly rushed into the box.

When Ji Wanting and others saw that the person who came was really a member of the military, not a terrorist outside, all the nervousness and panic dissipated immediately, and a happy smile appeared on their faces.

"It's really Commander Ye, it's really~ him, haha!!"

A classmate who had seen Ye Tiannan's appearance on TV immediately cried out in surprise and delight after seeing Ye Tiannan.

"Really? - Really Commander Ye?"

"Haha, really, we are safe!"

"It's from the military, haha, not a terrorist, that's great!""

"Oh my God, we are finally safe!!"

After hearing the confirmation, all the other students immediately laughed in surprise, and greeted Ye Tiannan and the other five with excitement, and kept saying hello to Ye Tiannan.

Among these people, only Ji Han and Ji Wanting remained standing still, but Ji Wanting also looked at Ye Tiannan with excitement, and Lieutenant Colonel Xu Li, who had met her once, while Ji Han did not turn around.

Seeing this, Ji Wanting's excited expression turned into stunned and surprised. She looked at Ji Han with a puzzled face, and her inner guesses and doubts became stronger.

At this time, Ji Wanting seemed to realize with hindsight that the reason why Ji Han's expression changed before seemed to be sensing the arrival of Ye Tiannan and others.

"No way? How did he know? Is it a coincidence or??"

Ji Wanting couldn't help but have a question in her heart again, and she looked at Ji Han with a hint of astonishment in her eyes. She didn't know if it was a coincidence or a fact. She wanted to take it as a coincidence, but she intuitively told Ji Wanting that it was true. Otherwise, how could it be so coincidental, the next moment after Ji Han's expression changed, there was a knock on the door.

However, before Ji Wanting could ask her questions or think about it, Ye Tiannan had already appeased all her classmates, and then ignored them. They walked quickly to the window and came to Ji Han's back. At this time, the faces of the five people showed sincerity and fear at the same time, and at the same time they bowed slightly to apologize to Ji Han.

After bowing, Ye Tiannan immediately saluted Ji Han who had his back turned to him, and then apologized and said: "Mr. Ji, Ye Tiannan is reporting to you in the East Navy Division, Mr. Ji forgive me, it's because we didn't do a good job of security, and also There were mistakes in our arrangement and work, so that some juniors disturbed Mr. Ji and asked Mr. Ji to convict him!

After speaking, Ye Tiannan didn't dare to put his hands down, and his body was straight, just waiting for Ji Han's instructions.

・・For flowers...  

And Li Wen next to him immediately followed with a smile on his face: "Yes, it's because we didn't arrange it properly, so that such a big mistake appeared and disturbed Mr. Ji, please convict Mr. Ji! 55

As for the other three, if Ye Tiannan and Li Wen went out, they had no right to speak. Lin Zhengyuan also looked like he was begging for guilt, while Xu Li and Han Jianguo followed Ye Tiannan and saluted Ji Han, looking extremely awe-inspiring.

Apparently, the reason why Ye Tiannan and the five came in such a hurry is precisely to come here to apologize to Ji Han.

At this moment, Ye Tiannan and the others are really frightened, and they are also very nervous. They are deeply afraid that Ji Han will be dissatisfied, and they are also deeply afraid that Ji Han will be angry. The consequences are completely beyond their ability to bear, even if Ye Tiannan is the commander of the military division.

For a while, because of Ye Tiannan's actions, the entire box suddenly fell into a dead silence, and the atmosphere became extremely strange.

The classmates surrounding Ye Tiannan and the others, after seeing such a shocking and unbelievable scene, all of them were immediately stunned and dumbfounded, their faces full of disbelief and like a dream, all of them froze in place, stunned. Looking at Ji Han, Ye Tiannan and the others, his heart felt like a stormy sea, and he couldn't beg calmly for a long time.

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