At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

088 Small goal, let the population of Daqin increase by 300 million! [17, please subscribe]

"That's a very good plan, sir!"

"It's a good idea to build a road without spending a penny.35

"If this is the case, it is indeed much better than conscripting corvés. People can build roads to make money in their spare time from farming, which is also helpful for people's livelihood!"

Ying Zheng and Wang Ben are full of praise for this proposal~!

Even Chongzhen couldn't help nodding secretly. This method is really good. In Daqin, any project is specially inspected by someone. It is absolutely difficult for merchants to fool around, and the quality of the project is also guaranteed.

After the implementation of this plan, within ten or eight years, Daqin will have countless highways out of thin air, which is simply a huge profit.

"I'm also moved by what the gentleman said!" Chongzhen said with a wry smile: "But if I want to copy this plan in the Ming Dynasty, it will never be feasible. There are too many corrupt officials in this world, and it is difficult to guarantee the quality of the project.


Everyone nodded in understanding!

The Ming Dynasty had many drawbacks at this time, and it was indeed not suitable to play this kind of routine right away.

The Great Qin Dynasty didn't have this drawback, Lao Zhao's methods were iron-blooded, who dared to do things under his hands? Aren't you afraid of death?

"Relocate 300,000 households to the north, and there is cement to build roads, Lao Zhao, you will be busy for some time in the future!

"But that's not enough, I want to set three new national policies for Daqin!"

Ji Han ate and drank another bombshell!

When Ying Zheng Wang Ben heard this, his eyes immediately lit up.

"Sir!" Ying Zheng's face was full of anticipation: "What are the new three major national policies? Please speak clearly, I am all ears."

You must know that the three major national policies last time have benefited Daqin a lot.

If we can get Ji Han's new guidance this time, it will definitely make Da Qin more profitable.

"The first strategy is to increase grain production!" Ji Han said straight to the point, and Kai Kai said: "Last time, I gave you so many grain seeds, and I found a place to plant them, and then vigorously promoted them, so that the entire Daqin will no longer be short of grain. !

"When the production of crops such as potatoes increases on a large scale and there is a surplus of food, part of it can be used to trade with Chongzhen, and part of it can be used to encourage the people to raise pigs, horses, cattle and sheep, and encourage fishing to increase meat, so that the people can be strong and lay a foundation for a century!"

"Sir, that's right!" Wang Ben, a foodie, quickly agreed: "This plan is very good, I am a poor old Qin, and everyone dreams of a day when they are full and clothed. If there is meat to eat every day, this is simply an immortal. A beautiful day that doesn't change.""

"This plan is not difficult!" Ying Zheng nodded again and again, and said, "I have already asked people to step up sowing and planting, and within three or two months, this grain will be spread all over the state capitals.

"Yeah!" Ji Han continued with satisfaction: "The second strategy is to increase the population! Daqin has been fighting for many years without a large population. Even if he conquers endless territory in the future, there will be no population to defend, so increasing the population is very important."

"The number of a country's population in the past dynasties determines the country's strength and degree of brilliance, so let's set a small goal to increase the population of Daqin to more than 300 million!"

"Three hundred million?"

"so much?"

"This, this is too exaggerated, isn't it?"

The crowd was stunned!

Daqin's current population is only more than 20 million, and it is easier said than done to increase it to 300 million?

Humans are not piglets, how can it be so easy to increase production?

On the contrary, Ying Zheng's eyes couldn't help but glow!

If the population of Da Qin increased to 300 million, then it would be easy to recruit an army of tens of millions. Imagine the scene where an army of tens of millions swept across the countries, and Lao Zhao couldn't help drooling.

"You're right first, how can Da Qin dominate the countries without a population?" Ying Zheng asked excitedly, "How can this population increase?

"Don't worry!" Ji Han said with a smile: "I have set a national policy for a hundred years. This population increase is not an overnight thing, it has to be seen in the long run!"

"So if you want to increase the population, you have to implement two strategies, one is to reduce taxes, and the other is to marry later and have children later!


・・For flowers....

Everyone is stunned again!

Are these two strategies related to increasing the population?

"The main purpose of lowering taxes is to let the people have enough to eat and clothe themselves, and to live a prosperous life! Ji Han explained: "This person is full of food and warmth, and wants to be lustful. In the evening, when the people have enough to eat and drink, they have nothing to do, but they can have fun. Are you happy? In addition, you are not afraid of having more births after living a rich life. Isn't the population increasing?

Ji Han's easy-to-understand explanation immediately made everyone laugh out loud!

In fact, regardless of the dynasties, this is actually the case.

For example, the high housing prices in modern times are absolutely good tools for sterilization, and the people who are forced to do so will not dare to have children.

If you want to increase the population, you have to make the people rich in their pockets!

Therefore, this Daqin burden reduction must be carried out.

Of course, Lao Zhao is not worried that the tax will be reduced because of this.

With the increase of grain production and the increase of commerce, the income of commercial tax will increase greatly, and the treasury will only become richer by then.

"Sir!" Wang Ben asked curiously: "We understand that lowering taxes can increase the population, but why can this late marriage and late childbearing also increase the population? Isn't this a conflict? We should encourage childbirth, why can't we get married at a later age? ?"

"Humph!" Ji Han snorted angrily: "Nowadays, women in Daqin can marry and have children at the age of fourteen or five, but their bodies haven't grown yet, and seven or eight of ten babies will die prematurely. How can this be? increase the population?"

"Marriage at a later age means that women should get married later, and let them grow up before giving birth. It's like letting fruit trees grow longer and bear fruit!"

"Once the age of marriage and childbearing for women is raised to 18 or 20, the infant mortality rate will plummet. By then, 8 or 9 out of 10 babies will survive. Isn't it a hundred times better than before?"

"Only in this way, coupled with a good medical environment, can Daqin's population continue to skyrocket, so that Daqin will never be short of troops!

"Please evaluate the ticket first" beg.

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