At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

089 Ji Han's super gift package for Daqin! 【27, please subscribe】

Ji Han's explanation made everyone ponder.

Although it has not been tested and verified, everyone knows Ji Han's methods, so they choose to believe it subconsciously.

If you marry late for two or three years, you can greatly reduce the mortality rate, which is definitely a super cost-effective thing.

"Your Majesty, sir, this plan is feasible." Wang Ben couldn't help but said: "I have seen many folk women give birth in the early years.

"That's really not right!" Ying Zheng also nodded repeatedly and said, "If we can save these unborn babies, why don't I worry that the population of Daqin will not increase? As soon as I go back, I will decree that the state governments will implement it, and early marriage and early childbearing are strictly prohibited.

"That's right!" Ji Han continued to say "Twenty-three" and said, "The third national policy is to develop the north, and it is not enough to build roads and relocate the population. The north is a big gold mine. It has to be fully developed."

"First of all, the Hetao area and some suitable places in the desert are enough to reclaim tens of millions of mu of fertile land and feed countless populations! 35

"Secondly, this prairie can raise cattle, sheep, and horses on a large scale, providing Daqin with a huge source of meat and a huge amount of wool every year. These wools can be made into sweaters to keep hundreds of millions of civilians warm and cold. , the economic value and people's livelihood value are too high!""

"The third is that the minerals in the north are also extremely rich. There are a large number of rare earths, coal mines, gold, silver, brass, jade, oil, natural gas and other good things!"

"Of course, these conditions can only be easily exploited in Daqin, but this part is enough to make Daqin rich."

"With these mineral coals, Daqin can extract countless high-quality steels, as well as massive amounts of energy.

Ji Han spoke eloquently, and Ying Zheng's eyes lit up when he said it.

Although he didn't quite understand what coal or something was.

But he knew that he was going to develop, and the territory he had conquered this time was a treasure, and even the immortal masters admired it so much, how could it be worse?

"Congratulations, Your Majesty, Hexi, Your Majesty!" Wang Ben took advantage of the situation and patted the horses.

"Hahaha!" Ying Zheng laughed and said: "This has to rely on the help of the teacher, without the guidance of the teacher, Da Qin is sitting on the treasure land without knowing it.

"Sir, how should this sweater be made? How should the mining be developed?""

Ying Zheng is thirsty for knowledge, and his face is full of anticipation!

Ji Han is no nonsense, he has done a lot of planning and preparation these days, cement or something is just an appetizer.

And then he pulled out a whole bunch of goodies!

"This is a tutorial on scooping wool and then spinning wool sweaters. This thing is not difficult to do, and it can be mass-produced with a few skilled female workers. 55

"This is a configuration tutorial for gunpowder. Although Daqin can't produce flintlock guns and bullets, it is very convenient to configure gunpowder to develop wooden-handled grenades, or to build roads and blow mountains. Remember to keep it secret! 95

"This is the distribution map of minerals in all parts of Kyushu, Lao Zhu, you also have a copy. It's easy to find someone to dig whatever you want to mine in the future!"

"This is a tutorial on the method of frying steel and pouring steel. With these two steel-making methods, high-quality steel can be produced on a large scale, and there is no need to smash it with a hammer. From then on, the military equipment of the Qin Dynasty can be easily updated. !""

"Oh yes, there is also this globe, one for each person, which records the imperial forces in various places, and it is also the enemy you may encounter in the future!

Ji Han's big gifts made everyone stunned!

Especially this globe, but he exchanged it from the system mall. The two globes each marked the large and small forces around Daqin and Daming at this time, the mountain range chart, the ocean trend, etc., which are absolutely priceless treasures.

"This, this world is really a ball? My Daqin only occupies such a small space? This is simply incredible!"

"The world is so big? There are so many countries? Wonderful, hahaha!

"I want to lay down a huge territory for Daqin, what is the Xiongnu, what is the Western Regions, this Peacock Dynasty is also in my pocket!

"Sir, this globe is much more detailed than the nautical chart left by Zheng He. With this precious help, the world is under control!

The more Ying Zheng and Chongzhen looked, the more delighted they became!

Both of them are ambitious.

Especially this fellow Ying Zheng, his ambitions and fighting spirit dissipated a lot after he ruled the world. Now, seeing this huge earth and countless surrounding countries, his ambitions exploded.

Coupled with the other gifts Ji Han gave, he only felt that Da Qin had a promising future. If it continued to develop, one day Da Qin's territory would have to expand more than a hundred times.

"Thank you, sir, I can't repay you!""

"A cup to sir!"

Ying Zheng's heart surged with excitement, and his heart was full of gratitude.

He never thought that he would not be here for a few days. Ji Han had prepared so many great gifts for him, and all of them were good things suitable for the current development of Daqin.

This is really a great kindness.

Seeing this, Chongzhen couldn't help but enviously said: "With all the help and guidance from the first emperor, he will definitely be able to develop rapidly, and it may not be long before a large number of firearms corps can be formed.

4.3 "Hahaha, honor your good words!" Ying Zheng's eyes lit up, holding on to the gunpowder formula tightly, this is a good thing.

"Sir! Chongzhen turned and joked: "You have such a plan for Daqin, I wonder if you can give me some advice to the Ming Dynasty?

"Of course!" Ji Han reminded, "but before that, you'd better get ready for battle!"

"War? With whom?" Chongzhen's face was full of confusion.

"Of course it's Jiannu!" Ji Han sneered: "You don't think that you have made such a big move, can the Ming Dynasty continue to be stable? The war is coming soon, and the Qing army will soon enter. Shut it down, wait!"

"Hush? 35

Chongzhen sucked in a breath of cold air, and his face suddenly became solemn!

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