At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

905 The mistake this time is not small! 【Subscription】

Dongshan City, outside the small manor.

At this time, outside Ji Han's small manor, a large number of people gathered in a mighty manner, and behind them, the cars were lined up in a long queue, which could not be seen at a glance.

These people are the senior officials of Kyushu who came to Dongshan City overnight from all over Kyushu, as well as their entourage and security personnel.

There were quite a few Lin Mushan, Feng Muru, Qi Guohua and others. All the high-level officials of Kyushu and the big family members were all there. They had just arrived outside the small manor, and ordered the car to stop from two hundred meters away. Then start ~ group walk over.

If this scene were seen by people in the official circles, and all the big bosses in Kyushu were all in attendance, I would not know what it would be like to be frightened.

It is precisely because of the horror of this lineup that all the high-level officials of Kyushu are present, so their entourage will be so many, almost comparable to a reinforcement battalion.

After Lin Mushan got off the car, he decisively waved his hand to the people next to him and said, "You all go out, don't disturb Mr. Ji, and don't disturb the villagers, we can just walk there! 99

"Yes, you go out and wait first!

"Yes, hurry up! 99

"Old Lin is right, don't disturb Mr. Ji!

When the other senior officials in Kyushu heard it, they naturally understood what Lin Mushan meant, and they immediately ordered all the entourage to evacuate and wait outside the village.

However, a secret technique next to him asked slightly embarrassed: "This... this person has been withdrawn, how to ensure the safety of the leaders?

You must know that all the high-level officials of Kyushu are gathered here. If there is a slight accident, the consequences will be unimaginably serious.

It's just that Lin Mushan's face turned pale, and he said with a stare, "Why don't you worry about it? Mr. Ji is inside, what could happen? Let's go!"

Obviously, after arriving outside Ji Han's small manor, Lin Mushan never worried about safety.

After being glared by Lin Mushan, the secret technique immediately said tremblingly, "Yes, let's go now!"

After speaking, the secret art greeted, and the mighty convoy left the place, making the place calm again.

Lin Mushan and Feng Muru greeted each other, and hundreds of senior officials from Kyushu walked forward in unison.

Looking at the small manor not far away, although Lin Mushan and others felt very close, their mood seemed extremely uneasy.

Yesterday, after learning the news and seeing the bodies of the hundreds of top secret agents that Ye Tiannan had put away, Lin Mushan and the others were all scared to death, because they knew that Ji Han was definitely angry and showed no mercy when he shot. .

Lin Mushan and the others were not worried at all about the upcoming diplomatic incident. Instead, they were afraid of angering Ji Han, because this time their work was not done well and the arrangements were not in place. This is indefensible, so Lin Mushan and others were all scared. Trembling with fear, no, I rushed over overnight to plead guilty, fearing that Ji Han would not pay attention to them in the future.

・・For flowers..


Lin Mushan's footsteps were a little heavy, and he sighed: "Everyone, the mistake this time is not small, and I don't know if Mr. Ji will forgive us! 35

For the current Lin Mushan and others, all matters concerning Ji Han are the most important things, and Ji Han's attitude towards them is the most important thing. They go to great lengths to please Ji Han. Knowing that it is self-defeating, and such a thing is provoked, everyone will be disappointed.

Knowing this, Lin Mushan was very worried.

Feng Muru, who was walking beside him, also said with a little melancholy: "Yes, our work is really not done properly, and it is right for Mr. Ji to be disappointed!"

"Oh, who would have thought such a thing would happen?"9

"Yeah, what is this?"

"This is indeed a big mistake in our work. So many foreign agents have sneaked into Kyushu without knowing it. It is inevitable for Mr. Ji to be disappointed! 35

"Hey, let's think about how to ask Mr. Ji to see Mr. Ji, let him calm down!

The other bosses also looked worried and sighed, and they were also full of apprehension about the impending request to see Ji Han, wondering if Ji Han would see them begging.

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