At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

906 Calm down the anger! 【Subscription】

Soon, the group of them came to the outside of the small manor.

Lin Mushan stepped forward, knocked on the door three times, and then shouted from the inside: "Mr. Ji, the old man Lin Mushan asks to see Mr. Ji, today, the old man and all my colleagues come to Mr. Ji Please forgive me, I beg Mr. Ji to be generous!"

At this moment, Lin Mushan's face was full of awe, and he waited quietly after shouting, and the senior officials of Kyushu behind him also looked like children who had done bad things, as if they were waiting for the forgiveness of their parents "August 13".

However, after waiting for a full five minutes, there was no movement inside, and the door was tightly closed without moving at all.


Lin Mushan and the others couldn't help looking at each other helplessly.

It's just that Lin Mushan didn't give up. He calmed down and didn't have the slightest impatience on his face. Then he shouted to the inside again twice, all of them begging to see Ji Han, and his tone and attitude were extremely sincere.

Not only that, Feng Muru and others also stepped forward and said various things to ask for a meeting, hoping that Ji Han could meet them.

However, today's small manor does not know what is going on, there is no movement in it, it seems that no one exists.

five minutes!

ten minutes!

Half an hour!

two hours!!

Two full hours have passed, Lin Mushan and others have been begging for a meeting outside the door for a long time. They were all standing, and there was no place to sit.

You know, all along, it has always been only others waiting for them, where will they wait for others, and the first wait is more than two hours.

And after waiting for so long and begging to meet for a long time, Ji Han didn't even open the door to meet them, and he didn't even respond at all.

They didn't know that Ji Han was drinking tea and enjoying the dance at this time, so he didn't bother to pay any attention to them.

After waiting for a long time and begging to meet for a long time, they could not get the slightest response. For a while, Lin Mushan and the others couldn't help but look at each other with some wry smiles, with disappointment, helplessness and worry in their expressions.

Ji Han didn't see them, so Lin Mushan and the others were more worried.

Lin Mushan sighed: "Hey, everyone, it seems that Mr. Ji won't see us today, what should we do?"

"Actually, I had already anticipated it before I came, sigh, there is nothing we can do if Mr. Ji doesn't see us! 35 Feng Mu Ru also said helplessly.

At this time, Qi Guohua cautiously guessed: "You say, is Mr. Ji still angry?

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately attracted the active echo of others.

"Definitely yes, do you need to think about it? If not, how could Mr. Ji not see us?"

"Yes, Mr. Ji must be upset because of this. Didn't you see that he didn't even let us in?"

"Damn Western foreigners, we have to take care of the things they caused. I really want to kill them!"

"Those agents are already dead, what's the use of saying this now, let's think about it, how to calm down Mr. Ji's anger!"

"That's right, if Mr. Ji's anger is not quelled, the consequences will be too serious, which we cannot afford in the entire Kyushu, so we must try our best to satisfy Mr. Ji!

All the high-level officials in Kyushu have already understood at this time that Ji Han is definitely dissatisfied with the previous incident, so they are also a little uneasy and frightened at this time, not knowing how to make Ji Han satisfied!

You must know that Ji Han's dissatisfaction is definitely a serious and unimaginable thing for them in 4.3 Kyushu, because Kyushu can have its current achievements and status without the support of Ji Han, Ji Han's importance has been completely It goes without saying that with Ji Han there, they don't worry about any problems at all, and once they lose Ji Han's support, that's the most serious and terrifying thing..

Therefore, how to please Ji Han, how to eliminate Ji Han's dissatisfaction, these are the things that Lin Mushan and others should consider now, and they are also the most urgent things!

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