For a time, outside the small manor, everyone suddenly fell into silence.

Knowing that it would be useless to keep asking, Ji Han didn't seem to see them anymore, so Lin Mushan and the others didn't knock on the door.

At the same time, they have also understood that Ji Han is definitely dissatisfied with the previous incident, and even feels very unhappy, otherwise they will not be turned away.

You know, these people are all the top bosses in Kyushu. They always refuse to see others, but no one dares to refuse them. Ji Han is now the only one who refuses them and makes them dare not have any complaints.

Moreover, because they learned that 11 Ji Han was dissatisfied, Lin Mushan and others not only dared not have any complaints, but also tried their best to eliminate Ji Han's dissatisfaction, so as not to cause irreversible effects on Kyushu.

Thinking of the Western countries' spying on Kyushu and the arrogant actions against Ji Han, Lin Mushan trembled with anger, and then said viciously: "It's all because of those damn foreigners, and those mercenaries who are not afraid of death, if not They, how could Mr. Ji not see us because of dissatisfaction? They really think that our Kyushu is still the former Kyushu, and they really think that we dare not fight back?""

While speaking, Lin Mushan couldn't help bursting out with a chilling gleam in his eyes, and his old-fashioned appearance was full of majesty.

Feng Muru immediately agreed with a cold voice: "Yes, although there are indeed mistakes in our work, but if those Western countries didn't want to take the opportunity to do things, how could it be like this?"

"That's right, it's all the fault of those damn Western foreigners. Not only have they been trying to spy on the research results of our Kyushu, but they also dared to send someone to sneak into Kyushu to attack Mr. Ji. This is simply courting death!"

"Haha, sending hundreds of top ace agents is really a big deal. Now I don't know if they will feel distressed!"

"Distressed? I see, they don't even know what it means to be hurt. I don't think the bodies of those agents can't be wasted. They should be hung up and shown to countries like Europe, America, Japan, and South Korea to see if this is someone who sneaked into Kyushu without authorization. Down!

"That's right, I agree with what Lao Liu said. Since they dare to sneak into Kyushu, they must be mentally prepared to suffer losses. Let's show them the consequences! 99

The rest of the top officials in Kyushu also spoke up in panic and anger. Not only were they angrily criticizing the practices of those Western countries, but they also planned to hang up the bodies of hundreds of top agents killed by Ji Han, so that the countries behind them could see. This is the end of sneaking into Kyushu to express shock and awe!

At the same time, Lin Mushan and others have no sympathy for shameless and bottomless countries such as Europe, America, Japan and South Korea.

Speaking of this, Lin Mushan's eyes flashed fiercely, and then he said what was in his heart: "Everyone, our Kyushu is no longer the Kyushu that used to be bullied and powerless to fight back, and our Kyushu is no longer facing the major powers. Kyushu is tied up, and now we are already ahead of all countries, it's time for us to show our muscles in Kyushu!"

When Feng Muru heard the words, he was shocked and said: "Lao Lin, you mean... to strike forcefully?"

Hearing this, all the senior officials of Kyushu present not only trembled slightly, but at first they subconsciously showed surprise, but the next moment they instantly became excited.

The reason for the surprise is that all the external actions of Kyushu have always been low-key and cautious, and will never take counterattack actions unless necessary, which has also made these Kyushu executives accustomed to this code of conduct. , So when I suddenly heard Lin Mushan's suggestion, I was naturally a little surprised.

But after the surprise, they instantly realized the current strength and status of Kyushu, which is no longer comparable to the past, and now they don't need to look at any country's face anymore.

Therefore, these Kyushu high-level officials became excited, because they also wanted to show the strong strength of Kyushu, and to deter those Western countries who didn't know whether to live or die!

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