At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

908 A painful lesson! 【Subscription】

"Yes, it is a strong counterattack!"

Lin Mushan nodded fiercely, affirmed Feng Muru's guess, and said sharply: "Do those countries in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea really think this is the past? Do they really think that our Kyushu will swallow our anger? Do they really think that Kyushu is A country where they come and go when they want?"

"Then we're going to tell the world that it's not... possible... possible!

Having said this, Lin Mushan's face was full of awe and sternness. He looked at the high-level officials of Kyushu and continued: "We want to let the world know that in Kyushu now, there is no need to fight back, no longer need to hold back. It is no longer necessary to look at the face of any country, and it is not a country where foreigners come and leave whenever they want. If anyone dares to offend us in Kyushu and dare to slap the tiger's beard without fear of death, then we will make them pay a heavy price. price!

"We must completely frighten all the wolves that covet our Kyushu at one time, so that they will not dare to take any action against us in Kyushu!"

"This is my idea and my suggestion, everyone, what do you think?"

After speaking, Lin Mushan stared closely at the other executives, wanting to see how they would react.

Lin Mushan's words were extremely impassioned and filled with rare passion and temptation, instantly causing all the high-level executives present to nod their heads subconsciously.

"To fight, you must fight hard, tigers don't show their power, we really think we are sick cats in Kyushu, fuck it~々!"

"That's right, if you don't teach the countries of Europe, America, Japan and South Korea a lesson, they don't even know that the current Kyushu is not something they can provoke!

"Haha, that's it, it should have been like this a long time ago, this old man was the first to agree, we must let those Western foreigners know what a painful lesson is! 35

"Yes, that's right, no matter who they are, who dares to offend our Kyushu, they will pay a heavy price, and they must be beaten all at once!

"I also agree. If you don't say anything, the fight will be over. Since they dare to send people to sneak into Kyushu to carry out terrorist operations, then we will fight an eye for an eye and let them experience what terror is!"

Not only did all the senior officials of Kyushu present not have any objection, but they nodded their heads excitedly, all of them expressed their great support, and even many high-level officials showed great fighting spirit!

Obviously, because of the impact of the previous terrorist attack and Ji Han's dissatisfaction, Lin Mushan and others were in a state of panic, and they were even more angry at the offensive behavior of Western countries. Therefore, under such circumstances, based on For the above reasons, all the high-level officials in Kyushu are no longer willing to keep a low profile. They have no good feelings for Europe, America, Japan, South Korea and other countries that are doing things. Therefore, they decided to retaliate with a big report, and even wanted to surround themselves at one time. The pack of wolves is all scared!

For a long time, Kyushu's behavior and external attitude have been low-key and tough. In the face of any country's provocation and offense, Kyushu will not swallow it, and will find an opportunity to fight back.

But such a major decision as today, a decision to retaliate with a tit-for-tat, launch a large-scale military operation, and report a re-entering country, is the first time in history.

This is not only because they want to eliminate Ji Han's dissatisfaction and restore Ji Han's opinion, they also want to take this opportunity to show the current strength of Kyushu and let Western countries see what kind of powerful existence they are provoking. .

Because they have realized from this incident that Kyushu is no longer (the money is good) the former Kyushu, and they can no longer keep a low profile. Their Kyushu must show off their muscles well in the world. The vicious wolves that were waiting around were severely deterred, so that they would not dare to have any bold ideas.

If the countries in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea are not intimidated and taught them a painful lesson, how can they recognize the reality clearly, and how can they recognize the power of Kyushu?

Therefore, all the senior management of Kyushu have understood that now has come to the necessary moment, it is time for the whole world to experience the great strength of Kyushu!

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