At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

909 must play beautifully this time! 【Subscription】

Seeing that the opinions of all the senior officials in Kyushu have reached a consensus, and everyone is full of fighting spirit, Lin Mushan suddenly felt extremely excited.

"Haha, that's right, this is our Kyushu. We, those in power in Kyushu, must not let down the rights in our hands, nor let the people's trust in us, let alone disappoint Mr. Ji. This time, we will be ruthless. Hit hard, kill hard!

Lin Mushan laughed excitedly, but his eyes were still full of cold killing intent, and his face was full of madness.

Because Lin Mushan knew that after they made this decision, they would bring unimaginable casualties and bloodshed to the West, as well as an extremely painful blow.

But Lin Mushan and the others didn't regret it at all, because this was a counterattack from Kyushu, they didn't need to be polite or show any mercy to the enemy, they just needed to kill the enemy fiercely!

What's more, when the West carried out terrorist attacks in Kyushu, why did they think about the life and death of the people of Kyushu?

Feng Muru clearly agreed with Lin Mushan's statement, and he immediately nodded in agreement: "Yes, Mr. Ji's contribution to our Kyushu is immeasurable, and no one can compare it. Kyushu's current status and strength are basically due to Ji. brought by Mr. 813, we must not disappoint Mr. Ji!

"Lao Feng, do you still need to say this? If you don't say it, just do it!

"Hey, it's time for Kyushu's fangs to be revealed!"

"Mr. Ji's help to Kyushu is too great, how can we let him down?"

"Haha, yes yes yes, this time we have to fight beautifully, let's pay tribute to the dozen or so compatriots who died with the flesh and blood of the enemy! 35

"Okay, just do it!"

All the high-level officials of Kyushu instantly reached a high degree of unity, especially when it came to the more than ten compatriots who sacrificed, the killing intent in their eyes became even more decisive.

This time, no one can stop them!

This time, all those who dared to offend Kyushu must pay an extremely painful and bloody price!

The senior Western leaders never imagined that a retaliatory action against them would have reached a consensus outside a small manor, and without any negotiation and consideration (bbed), all the senior officials of Kyushu agreed.

three days later, pacific, northern

As we all know, the Hawaiian Islands are a very famous tourist destination in the world, and countless tourists visit every year.

However, at this time, a hundred nautical miles away from Oahu Island in the Hawaiian Islands, there are more than ten nuclear submarines like ghosts, silently sneaking towards Oahu Island.

Oahu is one of the Hawaiian Islands and the seat of the state capital of Hawaii. At the same time, the famous Pearl Bay is located on Oahu.

Pearl Bay is located at the lowest point of the plain between the Kolau Mountains and the Waianai Mountains on the south coast of Oahu, adjacent to the only deep-water port of Honolulu.

At this time, Pearl Bay was regarded by the United States as a forward base in the Pacific, and it was also one of the most important naval and air bases of the United States in the Pacific, with an extremely important strategic position.

Therefore, in Pearl Bay and the surrounding areas, various defense lines and strong military forces were naturally arranged.

But the dozen or so nuclear submarines seemed to be in a no-man's land at this time. They were not at all afraid of the various reconnaissance methods deployed by the United States in Pearl Bay. They approached Pearl Bay decisively and firmly, like ghost ships.

Over time, the fifteen nuclear submarines are slowly approaching the Pearl Bay base.

You must know that for a large naval and air base, if someone is touched ten nautical miles away without knowing it, it is definitely a shame and a major threat!

The nuclear submarine in remote Kyushu did it, and at such an unexpected moment!

When they reached the ten nautical miles outside Pearl Bay, the fifteen nuclear submarines stopped advancing at this time in order to ensure the safety of their whereabouts, and those nuclear submarines did not directly float, but stayed quietly under the sea.

Among the No. 1 nuclear submarines, after arriving at the designated position, the captain of the nuclear submarine, Colonel He Haiwen, immediately said to Mo Huawei, who was beside him: "Colonel Mo Huawei, the nuclear submarine has now arrived at the reserved position, the inner cabin door has been opened, and the outer cabin has been opened. The hatch can be activated at any time, please be ready to get out of the boat!

This Colonel Mo Huawei is the person in charge and the commander of the attack on Pearl Bay. He is a colonel of the Kyushu Marine Corps. He has extremely high military literacy and rich combat experience and command experience. Directly assigned as commander-in-chief of the attack on Pearl Bay.

Colonel Mo Huawei nodded, then saluted Captain He Haiwen: "Understood, thank you Captain He for escorting, according to the plan, we will leave the boat immediately, and please Captain He to act according to the original plan!

"Don't worry, we'll move to the designated location to wait for you when you start moving!" Captain He Haiwen also saluted Colonel Mo Huawei and assured him.

"Thank you!

"Take care of yourself!""

"Take care! 55

Mo Huawei nodded, turned around with a resolute look on his face, and immediately gave the order to get out of the boat to the soldiers beside him.

"Send the order, all the soldiers get out of the boat immediately, and there must be no mistake!"


After receiving the order from Mo Huawei, the armed soldiers in the fifteen nuclear submarines set off in unison, carrying all kinds of equipment and weapons that had been prepared, and began to leave the boat one after another.

The reason why these nuclear submarines do not have to go to the sea is because there are two doors in nuclear submarines, one is the inner door and the other is the outer door. of.

So those soldiers only need to open the inner door in advance to enter, then close the inner door first, and then open the outer door to connect to the outside, and the soldiers can get out of the boat directly!

Soon, within ten minutes, the 1,500 armed soldiers on the fifteen nuclear submarines all got out of the boat and came to the sea!

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