At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

916 Hearing the sound! 【Subscription】


Faced with this situation, Mo Huawei just shouted the word "kill" with a cold face, and then he took the lead in killing the enemy before he appeared!

Now that it has been exposed, there is no need to cover up, just kill it!

Faced with this situation, Mo Huawei and others have long been psychologically prepared. After all, exposure is a matter of time, and there is no need to worry at all.

"Kill!! 99

The dozens of Kyushu soldiers in the back also rushed in with murderous expressions, and the automatic rifles in their hands were already loaded.

bang bang bang!!

Da da da!!

Mo Huawei and the others directly took the lead. After rushing into the dormitory area, dozens of automatic rifles suddenly fired in unison, and waves of bullets swept away to meet the enemy.

Hundreds of U.S. soldiers in the dormitory area naturally reacted quickly after hearing the warning sound, immediately grabbed their weapons and ran out, but before they saw the enemy, they did not shoot without authorization, so 813, even if they had raised the Be vigilant, but in the face of Mo Huawei and others' sudden action, they were still a bit slower.

One step slow is equal to taking one step at a time, let alone one step slower, even if it is a little slower, the result is already very different.

Mo Huawei and the others who opened fire first were like elf shooters. Their marksmanship was terrifying, almost one shot at a time, and they were headshots. Without exception, all the enemies who appeared in their sight were all taken one by one. One fell quickly.

"Fake, there are many enemies, hurry up and hide!"

"Sheet, the enemy's firepower is extremely strong, counterattack, quickly counterattack! 39

"Give me to suppress the enemy's firepower, hurry up!""

"Hit, hit me hard!"

In the face of the sudden attack by Mo Huawei and others, the hundreds of American soldiers who ran out of the face were not stunned. Although 20 or 30 people fell down in a single encounter, the surviving American soldiers shouted loudly. Immediately launched a counterattack while concealing.

bang bang bang!!

For a time, the bullets flew around, and the two sides instantly turned on the chaos mode.

The sound of gunfire was loud, and in the dark night, the entire Pearl Bay Base was awakened by the sudden sound of gunfire, and the calm was instantly broken. The tens of thousands of U.S. soldiers stationed in the Pearl Bay Base were directly stunned for a moment, and then quickly made a move. to deal with.

"Where did the gunfire come from? What happened?"

"Come on, go and see what's going on. Also, send a signal to get all the soldiers ready for battle immediately, go!""

"It's in the direction of the dormitory area on the right, hurry up, go to the reinforcements immediately!"

"The enemy is attacking, send a signal, an enemy is coming in, give me support, I must (bbed) find all the enemies and destroy them, hurry up!! 35

In various areas of the Pearl Bay base, various shouts and orders sounded one after another. All the American soldiers who heard the movement also responded quickly. Some people rushed to the area of ​​the gun battle with their weapons, while more soldiers were in the area. Under the orders of their respective superiors, they began to strictly guard various important places and passages to prevent the enemy from causing damage to the important equipment in their bases, and also to prevent the enemy from escaping.

Before knowing the specific number of incoming enemies, this kind of response can be said to be the safest, and they are fighting at home, and they are all too familiar with the Pearl Bay base. No matter how many enemies come in, they are confident to take them Destroy it quickly!

At this moment, the entire U.S. soldiers in the Pearl Bay base moved upon hearing the sound, like a beast that was suddenly awakened from a deep slumber, instantly showing great danger and attacking power.

If it is an ordinary force, once it is dragged by the American troops stationed in the base, it may be really difficult to move, and then more and more American soldiers will be encircled and suppressed.

But this kind of situation will never happen to the soldiers of Kyushu, and now the US soldiers in the Pearl Bay base do not know what kind of terrorist enemy they are about to face.

At this moment, tens of thousands of American soldiers began to run towards the place where the shootout took place.

However, in the next moment, in other areas of the Pearl Bay base, there were successive gunshots, and there were more than one!

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