The sudden sound of gunfire resounded throughout the base, and it seemed that there were gunshots coming from every place in the base.

As a result, the U.S. soldiers who wanted to go to the dormitory area suddenly became extremely suspicious, and stopped in an instant, and then glanced around with great vigilance.

bang bang bang!!

Puff puff!!

In the next moment, countless sparks seemed to bloom in the dark night, and the sound of gunshots came from all directions one after another. Although the American soldiers were extremely vigilant at this moment, a large number of American soldiers kept being shot and fell down. A blood hole, it's too late to scream ~ has lost its vitality.

For a time, in this base, it seemed that countless enemies suddenly appeared from all directions, and were frantically launching attacks on the American soldiers.

The sudden and huge change made all the American soldiers in this base feel like they were facing a big enemy and roared wildly.

"Retaliate, fight back!

"There are enemies all around, hurry up and set up a line of defense, hurry up! 35

"Everyone pay attention, be careful to avoid the enemy's firepower, quickly set up a firepower net for me, and absolutely cannot let the enemy continue to wreak havoc!

"Turn on all the lights at once, fast, immediately!!"

The American officers in the base continued to command loudly and began to counterattack, trying to suppress the enemy's firepower.

At this time, they didn't even know that there were only more than 1,000 enemies sneaking into the base. It was just because the lights were dim and the soldiers from Kyushu appeared very suddenly, which made the Americans think that there were enemies in all directions.

Of course, it is definitely a good thing for the soldiers in Kyushu that the Americans have such an illusion. At this time, they are distributed in various positions in the base, basically in a team as a group, and start to clean up the enemy with all their strength.

Almost every one of these Kyushu soldiers is a sharpshooter, and since they are in the dark, the automatic rifle in their hands has become a weapon for harvesting, and almost every bullet can take away an enemy.

Large tracts of American soldiers kept falling. They were so frightened that they screamed and wanted to fight back, but it was difficult to find the enemy, and they didn't know how many enemies there were, so they could only temporarily use the bunkers around them to avoid it. .

In the face of such a good situation, the enemy did not immediately suppress their firepower, so the soldiers in Kyushu would not show the slightest politeness. Continuously send bullets into the enemy's body, taking away each enemy.

Because these Kyushu soldiers are powerful, their speed is as fast as lightning, their figures are completely unpredictable, and their marksmanship is extremely accurate. Those American officers were so angry that they cursed again and again.

··For flowers...

This situation lasted for half a minute. During this half minute, the American soldiers in this base suffered another thousand casualties, which was extremely terrifying.

It's just that at the next moment, all the powerful lights in this base were turned on, and in an instant, the entire base was illuminated as bright as day, leaving everyone invisible, and making Kyushu soldiers no longer able to rely on darkness. Hiding whereabouts.

However, Mo Huawei and the others seemed to have anticipated this situation, and they did not panic at all, and were still frantically harvesting the enemy's life.

As a result, their bodies moved more frequently. They never stayed in one place for more than three seconds. However, even so, the hands of Mo Huawei and the others did not tremble in the slightest, and they were still as stable as a rock. Their marksmanship was still extremely stable, and there was no drop in the slightest. Therefore, the casualties of those American soldiers in the base were still at a terrifying speed. rising.

However, after turning on all the lights and seeing the enemy's location, the Americans' counterattack began! Beg.

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