Who would have thought that Kyushu's counterattack would be so swift and terrifying at the same time?

This is also in line with the style of Kyushu's long-standing style, either do not do it, or do it in one step, completely beat the enemy and be afraid of it.

This time, Kyushu dispatched a large number of elite soldiers to carry out sharp counterattacks against the countries that participated in the attack on Kyushu, such as Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, causing their troops or bases in various places to suffer terrorist attacks, causing casualties in various countries. And the loss is very heavy!

However, the power deployed in this counterattack is only the tip of the iceberg that Kyushu has shown. The truly terrifying power of Kyushu is still hidden under the sea. Once it is completely exposed, it will definitely cause the entire Blue Star to shake up. Three shocks.

However, those countries in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea don't know it. They only know that the terrible strength displayed by Kyushu this time is enough to completely threaten their country, and even cause them unacceptable heavy losses.

Because in this counterattack against various countries, whether it is the marksmanship and speed displayed by the soldiers of Kyushu, or their use of cold weapons and terrifying personal strength, Western countries are terrified.

What the Kyushu military warriors showed this time was an invincible stance that swept thousands of troops. No other country could compare and compete with it. It was just a secret operation. The Kyushu military only dispatched a small amount of troops. It is unimaginable that it has completely swept Europe, America, Japan, South Korea and other countries.

It is precisely because of this that on the second day after the incident, countries such as Europe, the United States, Japan, and South Korea suddenly panicked after learning the news. Other countries.

United States, Wallington, Red Palace.

The Red Palace is the most famous and important official residence in the United States. It is the place where the President of the United States lives and handles people's affairs.

At this time, in a fully enclosed conference room with the strongest protection capability inside the Red Palace, all the high-level officials of the United States gathered here. The atmosphere in this conference room became extremely solemn.

Because all the high-level U.S. officials present here have received the news that the Pearl Bay Base was attacked, the most important thing is that not only many ships were blown up at the Pearl Bay Base, but a small half of the area was devastated, and tens of thousands of soldiers were killed or injured. This is simply the largest casualty loss since the founding of the United States, and it is also the most incredible thing.

Including the President of the United States, the first reaction of all high-level figures in the United States when they heard the news was that April Fool's Day is coming? What are you kidding?

Who dares to stroke their American tiger whiskers?

Who dares to go to the Pearl Bay base to do something? Looking for death?

However, the fact is so cruel. After repeated and careful confirmation, the top officials of the United States reluctantly accepted the reality and knew that their country's military base was attacked, and the casualties were extremely heavy.

The surviving American soldiers can be sure that it was the Kyushu army who launched this attack, like a fake replacement.

Moreover, there were only more than 1,000 troops who sneaked into the Pearl Bay base to launch an attack, and the soldiers from Kyushu calmly evacuated after the incident. This has refreshed the cognition of the top U.S. officials and made them feel a sense of urgency. Unforgettable anger and shame.

Even if they have already learned that this is the truth, even if they have already sat in this conference room, many high-level officials in the United States still cannot (money is good) believe it is the truth.

Who would have thought that the Kyushu military infiltrated the US military base with more than 1,000 troops and caused unimaginable casualties and losses to it?

Who would have thought that with just over a thousand troops, the Kyushu military, facing the tens of thousands of U.S. troops stationed there, not only defeated the U.S. troops, but also retreated calmly in the end?

This kind of thing that was only regarded as a fantasy in the past, this time, it actually happened to the United States. It really made the top officials of the United States feel a heart-wrenching, but also very angry feeling!

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