At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

Can you afford the consequences of 921? 【Subscription】

Dead silence!


It was as repressed and silent as before the storm, as if it was about to erupt like a volcano.

This is the atmosphere in this conference room in the Red Palace!

All the top U.S. executives were silent with shock, panic and indignation, as if they didn't know how to speak, and their complicated emotions could not be vented.

At this time, the American boss glanced around and knocked on the table. After attracting everyone's attention, he said solemnly: "Everyone, what happened, the casualties and losses of the entire Pearl Bay base, etc., you should I have already understood, and what is certain is that the attackers were from the Kyushu military!"


"In addition, we have also received news that the Great Eagle Empire, Germany, Maoxiong, Japan, Ole and other countries have all been attacked to varying degrees at the same time, and all countries have also suffered relatively heavy losses, and After summarizing and judging from the information of many countries, we can conclude that this time the attack was carried out against various countries.

It's a unified action launched by Kyushu!"

"This is Kyushu's revenge against our country and other countries, and it is also a demonstration and shock!"

"Everyone, tell me what you think, how should we deal with this incident? How should we deal with it? 35

With a solemn expression on his face, the American boss looked at the top executives on both sides as he spoke, breaking the deadlock of silence in the conference room and asking other high-level executives to express their opinions.

In this attack, although the United States suffered heavy casualties and losses, they were not the only victims, because the unified attack launched by Kyushu was aimed at various countries, and it was a country that had previously participated in the terrorist operations against Kyushu and Kyushu. , no country can be spared.

Regarding this point, all the senior leaders of the United States here are very clear, because the previous operation of sneaking into Kyushu was actually carried out by the approval and lead of the United States. I never thought that the counterattack and revenge of Kyushu was so swift and violent. The casualties and losses caused are simply heart-wrenching and even more regretful for the American people.

Cameron, the U.S. Secretary of Foreign Affairs, said bitterly at this time: "Damn Kyushu people, they dare to ignore the overall situation and send troops to attack our U.S. base. This matter cannot be ignored. We must ask Kyushu to give us a satisfactory explanation. , or we will take revenge and go back, I don't believe that their Kyushu can stop the revenge of so many of our countries!!"

Obviously, this is a high-level American who can't see the current situation clearly, is still immersed in the glory of the past, and has always been arrogant and arrogant, and actually suggested to join other countries to take revenge and go back together, which is simply wonderful!

Even when this person was angry, he still seemed to be smug, as if he was very proud of his suggestion.

However, when this person saw the eyes of various high-level officials around him, he couldn't help but shut his mouth in embarrassment and looked embarrassed.

Because other high-level officials looked at the US foreign secretary as if they were looking at a fool, and he was a fool who didn't know whether to live or die.

It's just that this Director Cameron has always been so out of character, and all the senior officials of the United States who were present were a little surprised, and they didn't bother to pay attention to him.

Nash Kennell, the US Secretary of Defense, said with a solemn face at this time: "Everyone, I know that everyone is very angry and want to take revenge. I also have the same idea, because our country is by no means a country that will not fight back. , But,,, please think carefully, can we take revenge back? Are we qualified to have the strength to take revenge? Once revenge is implemented, can we afford the consequences?"

Nash Kennell's voice was not loud, but his three consecutive questions that directly hit the soul resounded in the ears of every high-level executive, and instantly made the entire conference room quiet again.

In the face of these three questions, all the top U.S. officials fell into dead silent contemplation, with different expressions on their faces, some unwilling, some helpless, some angry, but no one spoke out to refute the Secretary of Defense's question.

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