After half a day, the senior officials of Kyushu met with the ambassadors of various countries!

Although they were left hanging by Kyushu for several hours, the ambassadors of various countries did not dare to express their anger or utterance, and did not even dare to express their dissatisfaction. With an image of a good relationship between the two sides, there are all kinds of friendly and warm conversations.

Because these ambassadors had been assigned orders before they came to Kyushu, and they also knew about the retaliatory attacks that Kyushu carried out against their countries, so when they understood the strength gap between the two sides, they knew that the initiative was in the hands of Kyushu, those ambassadors Don't dare to have any arrogance.

In the face of such enthusiastic and even somewhat flattering performances by the ambassadors of various countries, the senior leaders of Kyushu were calm and unaffected by any factors, and then the multi-party meeting began like this.

This multi-party meeting lasted for more than half a day, and the whole process was held in the most important state guesthouse in Yanjing. Before the end of the meeting, no one entered or exited the heavily guarded state guesthouse.

After half a day passed, the door of the heavily guarded conference room finally opened, and the senior officials of Kyushu and the ambassadors of various countries who participated in the talks slowly walked out.

Except for the senior leaders of Kyushu and the ambassadors of various countries who attended the meeting, as well as the senior leaders of various countries who were reported later, no one knew what happened and what was discussed in the conference room in this State Guest House.

It's just that the guards who were guarding outside saw that the faces of the ambassadors of various countries who were the first to walk out of the conference room were extremely ugly. Everyone was as uncomfortable as eating shit. There are also people with gloomy faces, in short, it seems that everyone has lost hundreds of billions of trillions, and even the most basic calm can't be achieved!

But behind the ambassadors of various countries, the senior officials of Kyushu who slowly sent them out were full of blushes and smiles, and their eyes were full of uncontrollable joy. Compared with the performance of the ambassadors of various countries, they were simply two extremes!

Because in this multi-party negotiation, the senior leaders of Kyushu completely grasped the initiative, and turned their strong strength and heritage into negotiation cards, completely controlling the rhythm and results of the negotiation, and also took the lead in attacking, He accused countries of breaking the rules first, and asked them to give Kyushu an explanation.

Under such circumstances, what else can ambassadors do? What else can they say?

Want to fight with reason? I'm sorry, they broke the rules first, they have no reason, and they will only be sprayed to death if they want to fight with reason!

Want to know it with love? It's even more embarrassing. They have all launched terrorist attacks on Kyushu. Can Kyushu still talk to them?

··For flowers......

Or to show weakness and beg for forgiveness?

Hehe, as long as you give an explanation that satisfies Kyushu enough, you can forgive me!

Therefore, no matter what negotiation tactics or good words the ambassadors of various countries use, they are all useless in the face of national interests. Without substantial compensation and explanations, this matter cannot pass!

The senior leaders of Kyushu can be described as extremely sophisticated. During the entire meeting, they kept emphasizing that each country launched an attack on Kyushu first, and constantly reminded the ambassadors of various countries that the troops they sent have not been withdrawn, and they may continue to retaliate against various countries at any time. action.

In the face of the rogue-like toughness and the lion's mouth from the top officials of Kyushu, no matter how unwilling the ambassadors of various countries are, they can only retreat again and again, and finally retreat directly beyond the bottom line.

Because before coming to Kyushu, the high-level officials of various countries have already authorized and indicated to these ambassadors, so in the end, every country that came to the talks was forced to the bottom line.

Because of this, various countries have paid a huge price and gave up unimaginable huge benefits. This involves all aspects of things. In short, the high-level officials of Kyushu are very satisfied, and then this matter is really calmed down. Kyushu also really stopped its revenge actions! Beg.

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