At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

928 Sleepless research! 【Subscription】

Northern Europe, an unnamed island.

This unnamed island is not small in size, but ordinary people don't know its name, and they can't step on the island at all, because it shows on the bright side that it is a private island with guarding power, and it is impossible without the owner's permission. on the island.

But ordinary people do not know that this island is actually a secret island under the name of the Nordic Alliance. On the island, there is a top-level scientific research laboratory, and the entire island has a very complete infrastructure.

"August 13" At this time, in the huge scientific research laboratory in the middle of the island, dozens of the top scientists in Northern Europe were doing various experiments.

Every top scientist here, all of them have red eyes and tired expressions, because they are working overtime every day to carry out crazy experiments and research, and the most important project they study is supernatural power. !

It is precisely because of the sleepless experiments and researches that these scientists have their eyes flushed and exhausted.

But they couldn't stop and rest at all. At most, when they couldn't stand it any longer, they squinted for a while, and then got up and continued their crazy research.

This is because, as a result, the research on supernatural power has made them fall into a state of madness. Whether it is the root, form and change of supernatural power, or the reason and key factors of its appearance, these scientists are deeply fascinated and deeply fascinated by it. It is impossible to extricate yourself from being caught in it, and there is a kind of idea that you will never give up until the results of the research are obtained. After all, the emergence of the same scientific research results is an extremely fulfilling thing.

Second, because of the retaliatory actions launched by Kyushu against various countries before, the high-level officials of various countries felt incomparable shame and resentment in addition to their unwillingness and helplessness, but they can't find their way back now, so they can only Pressure is exerted on these scientists, hoping that they can study the source of supernatural power as soon as possible, so as to catch up with Kyushu.

Of course, these top scientists are also the most intelligent and confident people in the world, and they all hope that through their own efforts, they can study this supernatural power and thus change the situation of the entire Blue Star.

"I can do it, I can do it!"

In a room full of various scientific research instruments, a scientist with white hair and blue eyes and white skin was staring at an instrument in front of him, muttering in his mouth.

Obviously, the high-intensity research work has made this scientist over sixty years old become a little crazy, and he only cares about his own research results in his heart, and he is full of obsession with the research results.

This is the scientific research spirit of top scientists, and it is also extremely self-confidence!

However, as the saying goes, there must be an echo if you never forget. Alan Camon, who was observing the test specimen, suddenly lit up, as if he had made a major discovery, and his whole person instantly became energized.

"Walter? What is this?"

"Particles? Blood cells? Or something else unknown? 99

"Huh? It's a mutant particle? How did this appear?"

"It emerged from the blood of a mutated seal? Could it be?? 35

As Professor Allen carefully observed the changes in the test specimen, he muttered to himself, and his expression became more and more pleasant.

Because Professor Allen discovered a particle that had never been seen before in this mutant seal blood sample, the appearance of this particle seems to represent that his research work has entered a new stage.

After Professor Allen discovered this kind of particle, he couldn't stop. He immediately found several seal blood, some mutant seals, and 4.3 ordinary seals, and then tested them one by one.

Soon, after comparison, Professor Allen finally discovered that the brand-new particles that appeared before were formed from the blood of the mutated seals, and most importantly, this brand-new particle was actually similar to the supernatural substances in the air. The particles of the aura are exactly the same and can be used by them completely.

"Haha, I succeeded, I really succeeded, haha!!

The ecstatic Professor Allen suddenly seemed to be insane, shouting wildly!

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