At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

929 changes the situation! 【Subscription】


Professor Allen's ecstatic shouting immediately attracted dozens of scientists in the entire laboratory. They were immediately surprised, and all of them couldn't care about their own experiments. They got up and rushed to Allen. Professor's laboratory.

When they came to the door of the laboratory, they saw Professor Allen dancing in ecstasy, looking a little crazy.

But the focus of those scientists is not on these things, and they have long been taken aback by it. It is nothing more than a self-absorbed performance after the research results appear. All of them have experienced this kind of experience.

So, as soon as a white scientist entered the laboratory, he immediately asked loudly: "Hey, Professor Allen, did you really succeed? 11 What did you find? Share it with us!!"

"Yes, Professor Allen, what did you find?"

"Professor Allen, are you sure you succeeded? 99

"My God, Professor Allen, did you really do it?"

"Professor Allen, please stop and tell us what you found!"

After dozens of other scientists rushed into the laboratory, they also asked questions loudly, and stopped Professor Allen from continuing to frantic behavior.

Professor Allen didn't care at all. After he stopped, he immediately replied excitedly: "Haha, yes, I really succeeded, I have discovered the secret of Reiki, I have found something that can replace Reiki, and it is Totally available, haha!! 35

As soon as these words came out, the scientists were shocked.

"What? Professor Allen, have you really found something that can replace the aura?

"What is it? Professor Allen, tell us what it is!"

"Something that can be used and can replace the aura? Professor Allen, are you sure? This can't be a joke!"

"I just found out about this kind of thing? Professor Allen, if this is true, you must go down in history!"

"Quick, quick, Professor Allen, show us the research results!"

After dozens of scientists heard the news, they couldn't hold back, and while they were extremely surprised, they also immediately asked to watch Professor Allen's research results.

As the saying goes, seeing is believing. Before seeing the research results, no matter how good Professor Allen said, they could not believe it.

But if, as Professor Allen said, he really found something that can replace the spiritual energy, it would definitely be an unimaginable happy event for all countries, and it would be enough to completely change the current world situation.

Therefore, these scientists can not help but envy Professor Allen, because with such a research result, Professor Allen's fame will be resounding all over the world, and may even be recorded in history.

Professor Allen may not have realized this at this time. All his mind has been attracted by his research results. After he calmed down, he immediately took out the experimental specimen and said: "It's true, everyone, this is true. It is the blood of the mutant seal. The thing that I am talking about that can replace the spiritual energy is found in the blood of the mutant seal. It is a brand-new particle, which has the same characteristics and effects as the particles of the spiritual energy in the air. It is a particle that can be used by us, haha, come and see!"

After speaking, Professor Allen 813 gave up his seat and let the surrounding scientists step forward to observe it in person.

Those scientists are naturally not polite. Faced with such a brand-new major discovery, they naturally have to carefully observe it themselves before making a conclusion.

Soon, those scientists observed the mutated seal blood one by one, and found that from the mutated seal blood, they really discovered a brand new particle that they had never seen before.

However, they immediately compared the brand new particles with the particles of the material aura in the air, and found that the brand new particles really had exactly the same characteristics and effects as the material aura particles in the air.

This proves that the research results discovered by Professor Allen can indeed play a role in replacing the spiritual energy, thus truly changing the world!

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