At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

091 Wonderful, sir, this is killing two birds with one stone! [47, please subscribe]

"Are you a pig brain? Did you forget that Sun Chuanting wanted to clear the rebels? Did you forget that Li Zicheng's resurgence forced you to hang on the coal mountain?"

"Sun Chuanting must not move, not only can he not move, but he must continue to vigorously clear the rebels Li Zicheng and Zhang Xianzhong!"

"The soldiers and horses of the other nine-sided important towns are dispatched together. What if the Mongolian army comes in? Besides, what's the use of having a lot of people, do you expect a bunch of cowards to fight for you? 35

Ji Han was arguing for a while, which immediately made Chongzhen extremely embarrassed!

When he thought about it seriously, it was true that Sun Chuanting couldn't move, nor could the soldiers and horses of the other nine-side important towns move around.

"Why do you want to transfer Lu Xiangsheng and Zuo Liangyu?" Chongzhen was puzzled.

"Have you forgotten? I said that these two guys are among the five great generals you can entrust! 35 Ji Han explained: "Lu Xiangsheng's Tianxiong army can be described as first-class fierce, Zuo Liangyu is also Great use! 35

"This time, they were recruited into King Qin of Beijing, firstly to use their power to attack Jiannu, and secondly to give you a chance to subdue them.

"Once the new army under your command shows the power that will make them awed in this war, then you want to conquer them, isn't it easy?"

"Especially this guy Zuo Liangyu is arrogant and no one is convinced, you have to show your muscles and beat him fiercely, so that you can be obedient to his training, understand?

Ji Han's remarks immediately made everyone's eyes light up!

"Wonderful, sir, this is killing two birds with one stone.

"Not only has the strength against Jiannu been strengthened, but it has also taken the opportunity to subdue the two great generals. In the future, Chongzhen's younger brother will have two more troops.

"Hahaha, you are so talented, I admire it~々!"

The three Chongzhen clapped their hands and applauded, obviously admiring Ji Han's plan and layout.

According to his arrangement, Jiannu, Lu Xiang, or Zuo Liangyu must be in his pocket.

After this war, Chongzhen not only will not fall, but also has to make a lot of profits!

If you look at it this way, this battle is really a must.

"So, it's not that I don't make a national policy for you in the Ming Dynasty, but that your current priority is to fight!"

"After you have survived this test, you can continue to expand your army, constantly strengthen your right to speak, constantly brush your own reputation, and finally rectify some of the internal malpractices of the Ming Dynasty, understand?"

Ji Han explained patiently, Chongzhen couldn't help but nod his head again and again!

"Thank you for your advice, I understand!" Chongzhen said solemnly, "I will do my best in this battle to recreate the slaves and thieves!

"Okay, hahaha!"

"Brother Chongzhen, we are waiting for the news of your triumph!

"It's a pity, we can't participate in the war together, and we can't watch it together, it's a pity!"9

The two militants, Ying Zheng and Wang Ben, were full of regret.

Ji Han also secretly agrees when he hears the words. This is the first battle of the rise of the Ming Dynasty. It looks much better than the Daqin's abuse of the Huns. It is a pity not to be able to watch the battle.

"Warm reminder!" The system intelligence suddenly said in his mind: "The master can turn on the communication function of the trading ring, and observe the major events of the dynasty where the sub-ring holder is located at any time. Would you like to spend a thousand corrections to open it?"


"And this function?

"Open, open quickly! 35

Ji Han was instantly happy when he heard it.

With the increase in his correction value, the system seems to have become more user-friendly, how can he still make reminders?

Not bad!

After a sound system prompts.

His correction value was deducted by one thousand, and then this trading ring containing endless space instantly activated a new function.

Ji Han smiled with satisfaction and said: "When you fight, Lao Zhu, just say to the ring in your hand to turn on the communication function, and we will all be able to see the scene of your fight! 35

"Is it still possible? Sir, is it not a joke?"

"No, no, sir, it is omnipotent, and it is not unusual to have such means! 35

"Yes, brother Chongzhen, you will have to let us see it with our own eyes."5

Ying Zheng and Wang Ben quickly reminded!

They were very curious about the Ming Dynasty firearms war.

If you can watch the battle with your own eyes, it will definitely bring them huge benefits and innovations in the concept of war, so you must not miss it.

Haha, don't worry, I will never forget it! Chongzhen smiled and promised: "During the war, I will definitely let everyone watch the battle."9


Ji Han nodded in satisfaction!

After thinking about it, he continued: "If there is a chance for this war, you have to be careful of four people!"

"Who?" Chongzhen frowned and asked: "Dorgon? Huang Taiji? Or Azige?"

"Neither!" Ji Han said with a sneer, "I'm not talking about Manchus, but Han people. Have you heard of Fan Wencheng and King Sanshun?"

"They dragons?"

Chongzhen's face turned ugly!

Naturally, he had heard of these people, and they were all famous traitors.

Fan Wencheng was originally a scholar of the Ming Dynasty. Because he was depressed and unwilling, he took the initiative to join the Jiannu, made suggestions for them, persuaded the Ming officials to surrender (good enough), and formulated strategies, which caused great harm to the Ming Dynasty.

The three Shun Wangs are Shun Wang Kong Youde, Huaishun Wang Geng Zhongming, and Zhishun Wang Shang Kexi. These three are former Mao Wenlong's former members, and they surrendered to Jiannu after Mao Wenlong's death.

These three dogs have jumped up and down over the years, not only with the continuous invasion of Daming by Jiannu, but also shamelessly proud of it, they are really lackeys among lackeys.

"Sir, I have to kill them even if you don't say anything!" Chongzhen gritted his teeth and said, "These traitors should be killed!"

"Don't be careless!" Ji Han said solemnly: "These guys were all veterans of the Ming Dynasty, and they are very familiar with the military system of the Ming Dynasty, especially in the hands of the three Kong Youde, who are the only soldiers in the Qing army. Firearms battalion is a must!

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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