At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

092 I want to build a holy temple and let the immortal master enjoy the incense of Daqin forever! [5

Ji Han's words immediately spoke to Chongzhen's pain point.

His face turned black, and he couldn't help gnashing his teeth, and his eyes were even more murderous.

Because Kong Youde was in control of the most elite artillery battalion in the Ming Dynasty at that time, these were all artillery guns purchased from Westerners at a huge cost in the Ming Dynasty.

As a result, Kong Youde, a jerk, took him to Jiannu with him. How could this humiliation make Chongzhen not angry?

"Dog things, I will kill them!" Chongzhen cursed.

"Just remember him!" Ji Han laughed dumbly: "Don't forget that this Tianyou camp was once the most elite firearms camp in the Ming Dynasty. They have many good things in their hands. If you are not careful, you will But it's going to be a big loss."

"Don't worry, sir, I will never take it lightly." Chongzhen solemnly assured: "If there is a chance, I will first defeat the rebels of Kong Youde and others, and then capture them alive, and then strip them away!

"Okay, well said!" Ying Zheng laughed loudly: "This kind of rubbish who betrayed their ancestors and joined a foreign race should be killed!

"It's more than enough to kill, the nine clans should be punished!" Wang Ben gritted his teeth and said: "If there are such beasts in my Daqin, this marquis must chop them into meat sauce with his own hands. 39

"What is this? Isn't it cheap for such a simple torture?" Ji Han shook his head and said, "This traitor should be caught, cut off his limbs, cut off his mouthpiece, and then let him kneel in this capital all year round. In the downtown area, he was reviled by all the people, he wanted to die but he couldn't!

"Those scholars who value face and reputation the most, even if he dies, they have to build a temple of traitorous officials for them to be reviled by the people of the Ming Dynasty for generations, so that their ancestors can't raise their heads to be human beings."

"Well, sir, well said!

"As it should be!"

"I will definitely follow suit in the future and take care of them!"

The three Chongzhen clapped their hands and praised, obviously agreeing with Ji Han's proposal.

For the ancients, the name behind the body is very important. It must be known that many scholars have spent their whole lives to gain a reputation for loyalty. If Fan Wencheng, Kong Youde and others know that they are going to be reviled by all ages, they must be so angry that they vomit blood. .

Don't think these bastards are shameless!

They also take their names very seriously.

Otherwise, they would not have vigorously painted their own traitorous behavior after Jiannu gained power, so that many people in later generations thought they were heroes who promoted national integration, which is really disgusting.

For such a person, a temple should be erected to humiliate him!

Let future generations remember them, and let their fate warn those half-hearted and treasonous people.

"When it comes to setting up a temple, I suddenly have an idea." Ying Zheng said with bright eyes: "Mr. has spared no effort to help me rise up Daqin. I am truly grateful and I have always wanted to repay Mr. "

"But after thinking about it, I still don't know how to repay, and I don't know what kind of gift to give to express my gratitude to Mr.

"Now I suddenly think that it would be better to build a large number of temples in the various prefectures of Daqin, and let my husband enjoy the blood and food of my Daqin people for thousands of generations. Is this a good way?"


Ji Han's face suddenly became stunned!

Your uncle, you really treat me as a fairy?

Also enjoy the offering of blood food for all ages? I don't eat incense paper candles either!

But Wang Ben and Chongzhen applauded the proposal on the spot.

"Brother First Emperor, this is a great way!

"Your Majesty said it well, the gentleman is an immortal, and he should enjoy the worship of all people!

"When I go back, I have to set up a temple to worship Mr. Master, and let him become my Daming Immortal Master, whose status far exceeds that of Confucius. 35

The more everyone talked, the more excited they became, even Chongzhen wanted to join in the fun!

Ji Han rolled his eyes in frustration, waved his hands and said, "No, no, no! Why am I being a bodhisattva in a temple? Don't be fooled. If you want to build a temple, Lao Zhao, you can give it to Li Mu. , Lian Po and other civil servants and military generals from all over the Spring and Autumn Period to build a temple."

"What do you mean, sir?" Wang Ben asked inexplicably: "Even if you don't like being enshrined, you don't need to build a temple for those defeated generals, right?"

Wang Ben looked disdainful, and Ying Zheng did the same!

The old Qin people are very proud, they have never looked down on the people of the Six Kingdoms, thinking that they are the defeated generals.

Now that Ji Han wants to build a temple for them, how can Ying Zheng Wang Ben understand?

"How can you handle this mentality?" Ji Han said angrily: "Although the Six Kingdoms are defeated, you dare to say that there are no heroes in the Six Kingdoms? Do you dare to say that people like Lian Po, Li Mu, Wu Qi, and Qu Yuan are not powerful?

"If Da Qin wants to become bigger and stronger, he has to abandon his own narrow and exclusive heart, and he must actively work hard to accept the culture of the six countries, let them integrate under the command of Da Qin, and form a unique culture of Kyushu!

"I asked you to build a temple not only to worship the famous officials and generals of the six countries, but also to worship the ancestors of Daqin, and bring them together for future generations to worship forever, and make countless younger generations proud and proud, willing to gather under the banner of Kyushu. .

"In this way, the remnants of the six kingdoms can completely return to their hearts, and Daqin can truly last for thousands of years, understand?""

Wang Ben and Yingzheng were silent for a long time!

They looked ashamed, and Ying Zheng bowed apologetically: "Sir taught me a lesson, I understand, I will let someone do it when I go back this time!99

"It's almost there, come on, come on, keep drinking!

Ji Han let out a dumb laugh, then greeted him indifferently!

Everyone continued to feast on food and drink, and Ji Han took the time to talk to Chongzhen about what to pay attention to in modern gunfights, as well as the key points of army training!

For example, how to dig trenches, how to arrange positions, how to use formation to train soldiers' obedience and so on.

These are some common sense later generations!

However, they brought a huge impact to Chongzhen, constantly refreshed his backward concepts, and benefited him a lot.

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