Great Eagle Empire.

Since the ambassadors of various countries returned from Kyushu, including the Great Eagle Empire, all countries have fallen into a state of extreme depression, not only because they paid a huge price for their previous actions, but also because they had to bow to Kyushu. The sense of humiliation is extremely unpleasant, which makes the mood of the high-level officials of various countries extremely bad, which also affects the whole country.

Just like today, in the center of the Great Eagle Empire's political power, although those high-level officials are concentrated here, they do not have any mood to deal with government affairs.

However, at this moment, a high-level person in charge of the scientific research laboratory project suddenly received the news.

"What? What did you say? There has been a major breakthrough in the research results in the No. 1 laboratory? And a finished product has been made? Hurry, hurry up and inform other high-level executives, and report the report in detail immediately, hurry up!"

After hearing the news reported by his subordinates, the slightly fat executive was surprised and shocked, and then immediately became ecstatic.

For this news, they can be said to have been waiting for a long time, even looking forward to it for a long time, and now finally ushered in the result they wanted, how can this person not be ecstatic.

Therefore, the high-level executive immediately ordered to go down and let other high-level officials inform the other high-level officials that this matter is related to the future of their Nordic countries, and he does not dare to be arbitrary!

Soon, the high-level officials who got the news immediately gathered in the conference room, and it can be said that they all arrived at the fastest speed.

"Hey Pete, is the news accurate? Is it true? 39

"Yeah, this is no joke!"

"Quick, show us the report!"

"Yes, yes, what about the report? And the person who reported the news? Call him here!"

As soon as they sat down, the high-level officials couldn't hold back their eagerness and asked anxiously.

The high-level managers in charge of this project naturally understood their feelings, and he replied directly: "Everyone, I have confirmed it repeatedly, and I can be sure that the No. 1 laboratory has indeed made a major breakthrough, and Professor Allen has discovered a brand new kind of Particle matter, this is a particle that can replace the spiritual energy of supernatural substances in the air, and can be used by us. At present, Professor Allen and the others have developed a function based on the characteristics of this particle matter after many experiments, That is to make it into a nutrient solution!"

The high-level executive was very aware of the sense of proportion, and in a few words, he made a brief summary of the news reported below, and explained the general process of the matter in a simple and clear way, and even the results have been explained.

When the high-level officials present heard it, they were all surprised.

"Haha, really? Did it really work?"

"A brand new particle matter? Can it replace aura particles? Haha, okay, okay! 35

'It's not easy, finally there is a result, and a finished product is produced? Quick, bring it up and see!

"How does the finished product work? How was that new particulate matter discovered? Can the nutrient solution be mass-produced?"

"Yes, yes, this is the key. What specific effect does the nutrient solution have? Are there any conditions for making that kind of nutrient solution?"

After listening to the high-level officials of the Great Eagle Empire, they asked again, and they asked the main point all at once.

They all want to know what the specific effect of this finished nutrient solution is, what conditions and materials are needed to produce this nutrient solution, and whether it can be mass-produced. These are the most critical issues.

The high-level man named Pete naturally understood this, he immediately pointed to the person who was in charge of reporting the news and said, "Let him explain the specific things. What you said is also what I want to ask, John, bring it on!"

"Yes, Your Excellency 4.3!"

The staff member named John immediately replied: "My lord, now I will answer you one by one. First of all, this brand new particle substance was found in the blood of the mutated seal. Experiments have confirmed that this new particle substance exists in the blood of all mutant beasts, but not in the blood of ordinary beasts!"

The staff in this laboratory began to slowly answer various questions for the high-level figures!

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