"It only exists in the blood of mutant beasts? It doesn't exist in the blood of ordinary beasts?"

"Doesn't that mean that if we want to mass-produce this nutrient solution, we must hunt down mutant beasts continuously?

"It's actually this kind of thing, it's a little troublesome!"

"Okay, listen to John first and then discuss it!

The staff member named John only answered the first question, and all the high-level executives present couldn't help but discuss in amazement.

Fortunately, someone quickly quelled these arguments, and John continued: "You adults are right, the blood of mutant beasts is the most fundamental material, Professor Allen and the others used special means to conduct blood tests on the blood of mutant beasts. After several purifications and adding some special 11 rare materials, we got a finished product of nutrient solution!""

"The effect of the finished nutrient solution has been tested repeatedly, and the result has been obtained, that is, it can greatly enhance the strength of the human body, thereby changing the genes of the human body, so that ordinary people can become extremely powerful!"5

John answered all the questions in one breath, so that all the high-level executives in the room suddenly understood what the so-called nutrient solution was and how it worked.

"It's incredible to be able to greatly increase the strength of the human body!"

"Haha, isn't that what we've been waiting for? Well, great!"

"It can also change the genes of the human body. Isn't this the genetic medicine in the novel? God, can this really be mass-produced?

"Mutant beast? It seems that if we want to mass-produce this kind of genetic medicine, we must collect enough materials!"

"Haha, very powerful effect, with this genetic medicine, I believe we will be able to catch up with Kyushu in a short time!!"

After understanding the specific effect of the genetic medicine liquid, all the high-level executives in the room were instantly ecstatic, because this is what they have been pursuing, but now it has really appeared in front of them, so how can they not be excited?

At the same time, not only the Great Eagle Empire, but other countries in Europe and the United States also received the news at the same time. The high-level officials of all countries were ecstatic, almost so excited that they could not help themselves, and the high-level officials of various countries reached a unified opinion at the first time, and immediately formulated a plan. Almost all of the series have decided to collect the blood of mutant beasts around the world, in order to provide raw materials for the production of genetic medicine, and prepare to catch up with Kyushu!

Dongshan City, a small manor.

Ji Han, who is far away in Dongshan City, Kyushu, is spending his days drinking tea in the pavilion very leisurely, and there are several fairies in front of him who are playing music and dancing for him.

Just when Ji Han just put down the teacup, he suddenly moved slightly, and then a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Pingyang, who was waiting by Ji Han's side, immediately noticed the change in Ji Han's expression, but she didn't have much scruples and asked subconsciously, "What's the matter, sir? But what happened?

After all, Ji Han has always been calm and composed, but his expression changed slightly at this time, which is naturally something unexpected happened to Ji Han.

In the face of Pingyang's inquiry, Ji Han didn't scold anything. After all, he has always been very easy-going towards Pingyang and the others. At this time, he has recovered his calm expression and replied with a sneer: "It's nothing, it's just that some clowns in 813 thought they found it. The ultimate mystery, I want to try to change the world!

After saying that, Ji Han chuckled and shook his head, but his expression was full of disdain.

Because Ji Han was aware of the plans made by high-level executives in Europe and the United States at the first time, that's why he changed his expression just now.

You must know that Ji Han is the Heavenly Dao of this Blue Star. As the Heavenly Dao, it is naturally omnipresent and omnipresent. As for the plans of European and American countries, it is impossible for Ji Han to know.

It's just that Ji Han is quite disdainful, even quite contemptuous, for those plans and the means that European and American countries have come up with to catch up with Kyushu.

In Ji Han's view, this is just a group of unknowing clowns entertaining themselves, nothing to worry about!


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