Thinking of the stalemate in the Yanhuang Immortal Domain, even Ji Han, who has always been calm, could not help frowning slightly.

Ji Han is also worried at this time, but he is a little helpless!

During this period of time, Ji Han had thought of many solutions, but none of them had much effect, so that the battle situation in the Yanhuang Immortal Domain was stuck in a stalemate and could not be changed.

Of course, this doesn't mean that Ji Han has completely given up hope. If he hadn't used the power of heaven to erect a solid barrier outside the Yanhuang Immortal Territory, the tens of billions of monk soldiers led by Ksitigarbha might have completely destroyed the Yanhuang Immortal Territory long ago. Occupied, how can it be like this now!

But to solve the problem of Yanhuang Immortal Domain, Ji Han couldn't think of a solution right away, which made him a little depressed.

Seeing that Ji Han seemed to be in deep thought and frowned slightly, Pingyang didn't dare to interrupt, so he obediently stood aside.

However, after a while, Ji Han's expression changed slightly again, but this time Ji Han no longer sneered, but was a little surprised and surprised, as if he had encountered something even more surprising.

Sure enough, the next moment Ji Han suddenly ordered: "Pingyang, order someone to make some preparations, your father and the others should be here tonight!

Pingyang glanced at Ji Han slightly in surprise, but did not dare to ask any more questions, so he bowed slightly and replied, "Yes, Pingyang will go right away!"

After saying that, Pingyang immediately turned around and left, preparing for the arrival of her father and others tonight.

Usually when her father and others came over, Ji Han also ordered them to prepare a lot of food and drinks, but this time it seemed normal.

But what Pingyang didn't know was that just now, the reason why Ji Han's expression changed slightly was because he suddenly felt that he might discover something unexpected tonight, and he also counted that Ying Zheng and others would meet. Come, so this is why I ordered Pingyang.

When you have reached the realm of Ji Han, some sudden impulses or thoughts on a whim represent things that are related to oneself and must not be underestimated, even Ji Han is no exception.

It's just that Ji Han can't figure out what unexpected things will happen tonight, so he's too lazy to think about it, after all, it's not something that is dangerous to himself.

Soon, night fell, but the small manor was brightly lit and very lively.

After all, there are hundreds of little fairies living here, even at night, how can they be deserted?

In the backyard of the small manor, according to Ji Han's orders, Pingyang and others had already prepared a large table full of wine and food, waiting for Ying Zheng and others to arrive.

As for Ji Han, he was already sitting in the first place at this time, waiting quietly while drinking a drink, while Zhen Ji was in charge of waiting by the side.

And fairies such as Pingyang are naturally the ones who should dance and the music that should be played. In short, it is a lively scene of singing and dancing.

Not long after, among the five gates of light lined up in the front yard of the small manor, the first four gates of light suddenly lit up, dazzling rays of light flickered out, and the air seemed to be distorted, looking very fantastic.

Then, after three breaths, one person walked out from the four gates of light that shone brightly, and then stepped on the ground of the small manor.

As soon as Ying Zheng stepped out of the gate of light, he looked at the three of Cao Cao next to him, and then laughed loudly: "Haha, three brothers, you are on time!

During this time, they all returned to their own immortal dynasty to deal with some accumulated government affairs, and made an appointment to come to Ji Han tonight.

Cao Cao also laughed at this time: "Haha, Brother Zhao, it's not good if it's not on time, we can't fall behind!

"It's very, very good!!""

"That's right, Brother Zhao, you're not too late or too early, haha!

Li Shimin and Chongzhen also smiled and said hello.

The four of them made an appointment to come here at this time, naturally they would not delay, and they would not dare to let others wait for them, so they were extremely punctual!

"Haha, no more gossip, sir should be waiting for us, let's go, go first!"5

Ying Zheng smiled heartily and took the lead in walking towards the backyard of the small manor, and the three of Cao Cao naturally followed immediately!


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