At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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Ying Zheng and the four have long been familiar with Ji Han's small manor!

They crossed the gate of the front yard, walked towards the back yard, and through another door, they came to the back yard, which is also where they often meet with Ji Han.

At this time, Ji Han had already set up the banquet, and the four Ying Zheng came to the backyard and immediately saw this scene, and then greeted Ji Han one after another.

"Haha, sir, as soon as we arrived, we smelled~ the smell of wine!

"Well sir, we're here to disturb you again!"

"Sir really knew that we would be coming, so he set up a banquet early!"

"Haha, I have long been missing the fine wine and food here, Mr. really understands us!

The four Ying Zheng didn't have any politeness and no distinction at all, they seemed to be very familiar, and they all laughed and greeted Ji Han.

Ji Han didn't care at all, just smiled slightly, stretched out his hand to signal Ying Zheng and the four to take their seats, and then said, "I thought you guys haven't been here for a while, so I should be here tonight, so I ordered people to prepare some food and drinks, come here. , sit down!"

The four of Ying Zheng were naturally impolite, and took their seats beside Ji Han, while Ping Yang and the other four fairies immediately poured drinks and waited by the side.

Ji Han raised his wine glass and said with a smile: "Hehe, come, drink this glass full first!"


"Sir please!"


"Haha, drink this cup full!"

The four Ying Zheng laughed and raised their glasses to follow, and then drank it all!

They were busy with the battle in the Immortal Realm of Yanhuang during this period of time, and it was true that they had not come to Ji Han for some days, and the four Ying Zheng were not surprised that Ji Han could count their arrival.

After putting down the wine glasses, Ying Zheng and the four started to eat and drink without waiting for Ji Han to say hello. At the same time, they also raised their glasses to Ji Han from time to time.

With a smile, Ji Han also clinks glasses with Ying Zheng and the four from time to time, but instead of talking about serious business right away, he will talk about eating and drinking first.

It's just that Ji Han could see at this time that although Ying Zheng and the four seemed to be normal as usual, without any worries, they were always smiling happily, but deep in their eyes there was still a hint of depression and anxiety that was difficult to detect. It's just that I don't show it well in front of Ji Han!

Ji Han didn't even have to think about it, he knew why the four Ying Zheng were depressed and anxious, apart from the war in the Yanhuang Immortal Domain, what else could there be?

Thinking of this, Ji Han smiled and asked the four Ying Zheng: "How is it recently? Has the war in the Immortal Realm changed? Can it be sustained?"

As the Heavenly Dao of the Yanhuang Immortal Region, Ji Han is naturally more aware of the war in the Yanhuang Immortal Region than the four Ying Zheng. How dare you mention it!

・・For flowers...  

Sure enough, upon hearing Ji Han's question, Ying Zheng's four people were immediately shocked, and then they showed an unspeakable wry smile and helplessness.

Ying Zheng gave a wry smile and took the lead in answering: "Mr. dissatisfied, in fact, the war in the Immortal Realm is slowly tilting towards the enemy. Our four immortal dynasties are really struggling to resist, and if we say support, we can barely support it! 99

"Yeah, sir, you don't know that Xianyu has already occupied some areas at this time, and the occupied area is still expanding, and our casualties are getting bigger and bigger. We are now unable to retake those territories!"

"Let's not talk about taking back those occupied areas. Now that the troops of those bald donkeys are increasing, we can only support the four immortal dynasties. There is no way, the gap in strength is still a little big!"

"Hey, I shouldn't have complained to Mr., but we really have nothing to do. Now the war is getting worse, if it is not for Mr. to set up a barrier outside the fairyland, and to make sacrifices, maybe we can't support it anymore, really I have high hopes for Mr. Negative!

With Ying Zheng taking the lead, the three of Cao Cao didn't hold back any longer and complained to Ji Han one after another, their expressions full of depression and helplessness.

Obviously, it seems that the war in the Immortal Realm of Yanhuang did bring Ying Zheng and the others a bad experience, so that the four Ying Zheng couldn't help but complain to Ji Han and beg.

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