At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

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The atmosphere at the banquet suddenly fell silent.

Zhen Ji and the others, who were waiting on the side, had no idea what was going on at this time because of their low cultivation, and they didn't understand why Ying Zheng and others were silent, but they could feel the change in the atmosphere, and they were silent for a while. , dare not take any action.

Among the people present, only Ji Han didn't seem to feel anything, and he didn't seem to do anything. He just slowly retracted the outstretched right hand, and then looked at Shen Gongbao with a calm expression.

At this time, Ying Zheng and the four still didn't understand what was going on.

"Sir, this...why is this?"

After a few seconds, Ying Zheng dared to ask Ji Han.

This is because Ying Zheng 11 knows that Ji Han is not the kind of tyrannical person who doesn't listen to advice, and their relationship has become more harmonious all the time, so Ying Zheng dares to ask.

"Yes sir, but what's wrong with Shen Gongbao?"

It was Cao Cao who said this, and he looked at Shen Gongbao with cold eyes as he spoke. It seemed that as long as Ji Han gave a signal, he could immediately kill him here.

Because in Cao Cao's view, there must be a reason for Ji Han's action, and it must be that something wrong with Shen Gongbao was discovered by Ji Han, so Cao Cao immediately changed his attitude towards Shen Gongbao.

Li Shimin and Chongzhen saw that Ying Zheng and Ying Zheng had already asked, but they didn't say much, but looked at Ji Han with surprised and puzzled eyes, wanting to hear his explanation.

After all, they were still having a warm exchange with Shen Gongbao one moment, but the next moment Ji Han suddenly took action, which really surprised them at all.

"You are wondering, why did I suddenly stop Shen Gongbao? You don't understand, do you?"

Ji Han looked at the four Ying Zheng with a faint smile, and the last sentence was for Shen Gongbao who couldn't move!

"There are indeed some doubts, but there must be a reason for Mr.

The four Ying Zheng nodded in agreement, but did not forget to take the opportunity to flatter.

Even Shen Gongbao, who couldn't move or speak, wanted to nod because he really didn't understand.

"Ha ha!"

Ji Han chuckled lightly, ignoring what Ying Zheng and the others said, and then explained, "You know, what is Shen Gongbao's character? What is his way of doing things? What is his future like?"


The four Ying Zheng were hesitant, and they didn't know whether to say yes or no.

However, Ji Han did not embarrass them, and continued without waiting for them to answer: "I briefly told you about Shen Gongbao before, but I didn't talk much about it, and today I will tell you in detail!

"Thank you sir, we are all ears!"

The four Ying Zheng expressed their gratitude with great joy, and then hurriedly made a gesture of listening.

You must know that these are all extremely rare information and materials, and they are all about some masters in the prehistoric times. How could Ying Zheng and the others not be interested?

Ji Han smiled when he saw this, then looked at Shen Gongbao and said: "Shen Gongbao is a very important person in the list of conferred gods, but because of luck and personality, he couldn't win his senior brother Jiang Ziya in the end. I can only be so embarrassed to be on the Conferred God List!

"You should already know that Shen Gongbao initially worshipped under the sect of Tongtian 827, who was intercepting the sect, but he was reincarnated for some reasons and entered the current sect, and he also worshipped under the sect of Yuanshi Tianzun. Become Jiang Ziya's younger brother!

"Now that the Conferred God List has not been published, Shen Gongbao is just a fairy in the real fairyland. It seems that it is not worth mentioning, but when the Conferred God List appears, Shen Gongbao should be able to cultivate to the Golden Fairyland. It can play its corresponding role!”

"According to the development of the established historical trajectory, Shen Gongbao, in the battle of conferring the gods, was a great help in the destruction of the Intercepting Church. It can be said that Shen Gongbao accelerated the defeat of the Intercepting Church, thus affecting the overall situation! 35

Ji Han's tone was flat, and he began to slowly tell Ying Zheng and the others the origin and future of Shen Gongbao!


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