Ying Zheng and others listened intently to Ji Han's story.

Even Shen Gongbao, who couldn't move, raised his spirits, and the more he listened, the more shocked, the panic in his heart became more and more intense.

Ji Han didn't care how they reacted, he continued: "When the Conferred God List came into existence, Yuan Shi Tianzun fell in love with Jiang Ziya, handed over the Conferred God List to Jiang Ziya for safekeeping, and handed over the heavy responsibility of conferring God to Jiang Ziya.

"In this regard, Shen Gongbao was very unconvinced, and because the two had different ideas, therefore, Jiang Ziya wanted to protect Zhou, Shen Gongbao chose to protect the businessman to help Zhou, and the two were completely broken!

"From then on, Jiang Ziya sat in Xiqi, assisted King Wu, and attacked Yin and Shang, while Shen Gongbao invited fellow Daoists to attack Jiang Ziya and bless Yin and Shang."

"And Shen Gongbao has a very famous mantra, that is, 'Fellow Daoist, please stay.' As long as Shen Gongbao shouts out this sentence, it means that the person must be unlucky, and many masters of interception are fooled by Shen Gongbao like this. Be a cannon fodder!

After saying that, Ji Han glanced at Shen Gongbao with a strange look.

Shen Gongbao was horrified by Ji Han's eyes, and felt a little inexplicable because of Ji Han's words. He didn't even know that he would have such a famous and frightening mantra in the future.

"How powerful is Pindao? Where did Pindao come from with this mantra~々?"

"No, how does this person know the future of Pindao? How does he know? It's impossible, even if you can figure it out, you can't calculate the specific future of a person, right? Is this person a saint?"

Shen Gongbao was originally a little surprised because of Ji Han's words, but he suddenly reacted in the blink of an eye, thinking that Ji Han could know his future in detail, which seemed a little terrifying, and suddenly made Shen Gongbao more and more suspicious.

Ji Han glanced at Shen Gongbao and continued: "After the conferring of gods began, in order to restrain Jiang Ziya and protect Yin and Shang, Shen Gongbao began to ride a tiger and travel the world, constantly going to various caves and blessed places and famous mountains and mountains, just to fool you. Because of Shen Gongbao's actions, at least six or seven masters of the interception were cannon fodder on the spot, and they were beheaded by Jiang Ziya and other disciples of the sect, thus making it to the list of gods!"


"In the end, Shen Gongbao himself was listed on the Conferred God List and became an important member of the Conferred God List. According to the original historical trajectory, the interception will naturally end in a big defeat! 99

Ji Han was very patient and told Shen Gongbao's future in detail.

Ying Zheng and the four listened with great interest, but they did not expect Shen Gongbao to have such an experience, and there was a famous remark that made everyone feel very interesting, and at the same time they could think of those who were fooled by Shen Gongbao and became cannon fodder How frustrated people are.

However, Shen Gongbao himself was dripping with cold sweat and panicked in his heart, because his intuition told himself that everything Ji Han said was true, not made up.

Because Ji Han has absolutely no need to make up some things to fool Shen Gongbao. After all, Shen Gongbao has already been won by Ji Han, and Ji Han will win the life and death, so there is no need for so much trouble, so Shen Gongbao has some belief, Ji Han said. are all true.

It's just that he still can't understand how Ji Han predicted the future, and it's so detailed and accurate, it's like seeing it with his own eyes, which makes Shen Gongbao somewhat incomprehensible.

The most important thing is, looking at the expressions of Ying Zheng (Qian Li Zhao), they are clearly convinced of this, and they have no doubts, as if everything Ji Han said is true, there is no need to doubt it at all. what.

.Who is this person? This person's breath is not only unfathomable and terrifying, but also can see the future of the poor, what is the means? Even a saint is not like this? Is it a poor way? In the future, do you really want to be on the list of gods, and from now on, you will never be able to cultivate your own way?

Shen Gongbao, who couldn't move beside him, had thoughts surging in his heart, and he was unsure for a while!

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