The four Ying Zheng didn't know Shen Gongbao's inner activities. After listening to Ji Han's narration, they were immediately impressed by Shen Gongbao a lot.

"I never thought that so many masters of the Intercept Church would listen to this person's deceit. I really can't imagine that the Church of Intercept has accelerated its downfall because of Shen Gongbao!" Ying Zheng shook his head and sighed.

"I really can't think of it!" Cao Cao nodded in agreement, then looked at Ji Han and asked, "Sir, these are the future of Shen Gongbao, shouldn't you be holding him down?"

Having said this, Ying Zheng and others also looked at Ji Han, because they all knew that Ji Han was only telling about the future of Shen Gongbao, but never really explained the reason for making 827 live in Shen Gongbao.

Ji Han nodded and said: "It's not really, the real reason why I chose to take it down is because of this person's character and way of doing things!

"This person's character and way of doing things?"

The four of Ying Zheng were immediately surprised!


Ji Han nodded, looked at Shen Gongbao, and said faintly: "Shen Gongbao has the evil spirit of the left side, as well as the bandit spirit that will be punished, and even a kind of unscrupulous wild spirit, which stems from his background and experience, It is impossible to correct it!

"You must know that even in the midst of the great famine, a solemn oath that would be regarded as 'I vow to the sky, how can I avoid exporting' is only regarded as a 'toothache curse' by Shen Gongbao, who doesn't care at all, even in order to achieve To restrain Jiang Ziya's purpose, he can not only easily induce others to break the oath of 'exporting a wish', but also make a solemn oath that he is not prepared to fulfill at will, which is extremely shameless! 33

"When this person was parading the world, he took persuasion and instigation as his duty, and his responsibility to tell right and wrong. He turned his tongue like a reed, talking about people and talking about ghosts. He used every means, and his character was extremely cunning, but this person played a crucial and disgraceful role in the battle of conferring gods."

"For this reason, after thinking about it, I decided that it would be best to take him down. As long as he is in control, he will not be afraid of being as cunning as a fox!"

There is another sentence Ji Han did not say, that is, with Shen Gongbao as a chess piece, many things are easier to operate (bbed).

After Ying Zheng and others heard the reason Ji Han said, they were shocked and dumbfounded. They all stared at Shen Gongbao in a daze. They did not expect that Shen Gongbao was such a wonderful and superb product, which simply refreshed their three views.

And Shen Gongbao couldn't move at this time. He was blushed by Ying Zheng's four people's strange eyes, and he wished he could burrow into the ground.

Without even thinking about it, Shen Gongbao had already seen what Ying Zheng and the four of them meant in their eyes.

Even Shen Gongbao himself did not expect that Ji Han knew himself better than himself. Everything he said was very in line with his character and way of doing things. There were even some personality flaws that Shen Gongbao himself hadn't noticed yet.

In this way, Shen Gongbao really understands why Ji Han won him.

Sure enough, the next moment, Ji Han turned to Shen Gongbao and said lightly: "I believe you have heard everything I said just now? Whether you believe it or not, now I only give you a choice, you listen carefully. , that is, you voluntarily give up a ray of your soul and let me control it, and your life and death will also be controlled by me in the future, that's it!""

"If you are willing, then nod back, if you are unwilling to accept this choice, then well, I will kill you here immediately, even if you have all kinds of means and magical powers, it will not help, believe me, I want you to die, you There must be no chance of reincarnation!"

"I will give you thirty breaths of time to think about it. When the time is up, if you have not made a choice, then I will treat you as unwilling!"

After speaking, Ji Han didn't say any more words, but looked at Shen Gongbao and let him think for himself!

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