At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

094 days without giving birth to me Qin Shihuang, forcing the Tao to be like a long night! [77, plea

"Your Majesty, what are you talking about? Why do you want to build a temple? Could this be the meaning of the Immortal Master?"

"Immortal Master's kindness to me, Daqin, is as heavy as a mountain, and it is natural to set up a temple to worship me, and it's understandable for the ancestors of Daqin to set up a temple to enjoy the incense, but why can people from the six kingdoms enter?

"I oppose it, firmly oppose it!"

"How can a defeated country have the qualifications to rank with our ancestors?

Above the Great Qin Dynasty Hall, there was once again a protest against it.

Of course, all this was not what Ying Zheng and Wang Ben expected, because their previous reactions were also the same.

"Cough cough!"

Wang Ben was so proud that he wanted to continue to pretend to be coercive!

But he inadvertently saw the small eyes that Lao Zhao silently projected, and the strong threat in those eyes!



Wang Ben was so frightened that his whole body shuddered, and he resolutely chose to admit his counsel.


Only then did Lao Zhao smile with satisfaction, revealing a smile that was like a spring breeze.

"Do you know how big this world is?"

Ying Zheng and Ji Han have been together for so long, and he has already mastered the supreme meaning of pretending to be coercive.

How big is the world? Isn't it just that big?

"Hehe, do you think that this world consists of the Great Qin and the Baiyue Huns?

"Do you know that there is a Peacock Dynasty in the southwest of Daqin, with a population of more than 50 million, which is more than twice that of my Daqin?"

"Do you know that further west there is a huge Roman Empire, they span multiple straits and continents, and their population is still larger than my Daqin?"

"Do you know what the Parthian Empire? The Macedonian Empire?

Ying Zheng spat out for a while, imitating Ji Han's pretentious appearance, and immediately became so excited that he flew up.

The more he talked, the more hilarious he became, and finally he took out the globe with a snap and said, "Come on, Zhu Qing, come forward and see how big this world is."

Seeing this, the civil and military officials gathered around them one after another.

Under Ying Zheng's guidance, after everyone understood the globe, they all burst into an uproar.

"My God, how is this possible? The world we live in is actually a ball?"

"There is so much seawater in this sphere? Could it be that most of it is the sea?"

"How can my territory of Great Qin be so small? The country of this alien race is as large as a cow's hair?"

The ministers discussed in an uproar, and everyone's three views suffered a huge impact, and everyone couldn't help being dumbfounded.

"Have you all seen it?" Ying Zheng brewed his emotions, forcing the king's breath to explode in an instant, slapped the table and shouted: "There are so many aliens, how can I, Da Qin, focus on this acre of land?

"Whether they are from the state of Chu or from the state of Zhao, they are the remnants of the Great Zhou Dynasty, and they are all from the blood of the Nine Provinces. We should unite them firmly under the command of Great Qin, and treat them as one family!"

"If Daqin wants to fight against these alien races in the future, he must develop the population and unite all forces that can be united, understand?"

"The significance of Xianshi's proposal to build a temple for the sages of the Seven Kingdoms lies in this. I want to build a Xianshi temple in various parts of Kyushu, with the statues of Xianshi on the top and the seventy-two sages of the Seven Kingdoms on the bottom. Do you have any objections?

Ying Zheng's performance is super fierce!

A burst of arrogance erupted, and all the ministers were immediately convinced.

"Your Majesty!

"I admire it!"

All the civil and military officials bowed in unison, and even Wang Ben couldn't help being stunned.

Lao Zhao's coercive skills are natural, and he's awesome.

"Okay, hahaha!

Lao Zhao was also very relieved about this, and his mood was so high that it flew.

He suddenly remembered a sentence Ji Han said when he was bragging, and the revision was just right for his current mood.

It is true that God never gave birth to my Qin Shihuang, forcing the Tao to be like a long night!

Accidentally, Lao Zhao unlocked his supreme meaning and realized the true meaning of life.

"Sir, don't deceive me, this bragging skill is really powerful, this is the power of knowledge, I will have to listen to my teacher's teaching more in the future.

Lao Zhao sighed with joy in his heart.

Next, the civil and military officials of the Qin Dynasty began to argue endlessly about the quota of these seventy-two worthy ministers and famous generals!

"Haha, among the Spring and Autumn countries, I am definitely the most talented in Daqin. This Wuan Jun Baiqi should be admitted to the Holy Temple, Shang Jun should be admitted to the Holy Temple, and Wucheng Marquis Wang Jian should be admitted to the Holy Temple!

"The state of Chu is not bad either, Wu Qi, Qu Yuan, and Lord Chunshen are all heroes of the world!

"Fuck, Chunshen-kun is also worthy? In my opinion, Sun Bin of the Qi State is not bad, he should enter the holy temple! 35

"Li Mu and Lian Po are also good, they were my old enemies of Qin, and they are not small!

"Yes, when Li Muli entered the holy temple, he never failed in his life, and even beat the Xiongnu, he can be said to be a hero! 35

Civil and military officials, your words and my words, everyone criticized each other and confirmed each other, and in the end they were arguing endlessly.

In the end, after more than half an hour of discussion, the name was finally rated.

Daqin is a victorious country, so there are 36 of these 72 worthy officials and generals!

The other six countries add up to a total of thirty-six!

Most of the heroes who emerged from the chaos of the Spring and Autumn period for hundreds of years were listed among them, enjoying the incense of the holy temple, and being worshipped by the people of Daqin forever.

After Ying Zheng glanced at the list, he was immediately satisfied! 4.3

"Fu Su, how long will it take for the first batch of potato fairy food to mature?" Ying Zheng asked suddenly.

"Go back to the emperor!" Fusu said quickly: "At most, there are ten days and a half months before the harvest can be matured!

"Okay!" Ying Zheng immediately ordered: "You can order people to recruit 10,000 craftsmen, work overtime, and build a holy temple outside the city at all costs!

"On the day when the potatoes are ripe, I want to invite Xianyang famous officials and Qianshou to witness the unearthed of this high-yield immortal grain, and then worship the holy temple immortal master, can you do it? 35

"My son will live up to his mission!

Fusu said excitedly.

"Chapter 7 today, the author of the handicapped party who hasn't saved the manuscript for the new year is also working hard. The donkeys of the production team dare not work so hard. I beg for a reward for the flower evaluation ticket."

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