At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

095 Lao Zhao's layout, the establishment of the Daqin Military Mansion! [17, please subscribe]

Ying Zheng's decision

Definitely not on a whim!

He knew very well that the current Da Qin was still not stable enough, and there was a lot of internal chaos. In the final analysis, it was because the people did not have enough food and clothing, and there was an opportunity for the remnants of the Six Kingdoms to secretly incite the heads of the Guizhou provinces.

If that's the case, let's dig potatoes in public!

This hundred-stone immortal grain is dug out and weighed in public, and it will surely block the world's lingering mouths, and it will certainly make the world's people ecstatic!

Coupled with the two big moves of tax reduction and holy temple, why worry about people in the world not willing to return? Why worry about the troubles of the six kingdoms?

I have to say that Ying Zheng is a very shrewd politician!

Ji Han only said one, he could draw inferences from other facts immediately and formulate a more powerful strategy for Da Qin.

After the meeting is over!

Ying Zheng summoned Zhang Han in the side hall.

Along with Zhang Han, there were three master craftsmen who would serve as the manor.

"Last commander Zhang Han, see your majesty!

Zhang Han knelt down and shouted, his eyes calm.

This former general in Ying Zheng's hands, because Wang Jian, Meng Tian, ​​Li Xin, Wang Ben and others are so brilliant that he has not been outstanding.

Even the battle against Xiongnu 11 from the north is not his share!

But today, Ying Zheng thought of him, and he will be entrusted with important tasks.

"Zhang Han, get up!" Ying Zheng waved his hand at will, and suddenly asked: "I have neglected you all these years, do you have any resentment?"

"The last will not dare!" Zhang Hancheng knelt down on the ground in awe, and shouted: "The last will swear allegiance to Your Majesty, I was born as a man of Daqin, and died as a ghost of Daqin, I only dare to remember Your Majesty's favor, how dare I have the slightest bit of it. resentment?""

"Yeah!" Ying Zheng nodded with satisfaction, and then said: "The reason why I don't need you to attack the Xiongnu in the north is actually something that is related to my great Qin Wannian, and you need to do it yourself.


Zhang Han took a deep breath!

This huge surprise suddenly made him go crazy.

After returning to his senses, Zhang Han immediately said excitedly: "Your Majesty, please instruct me that you will never give up in the end."

"I want you to secretly set up a military weapon house, responsible for the production of gunpowder, steelmaking, cement, etc.!" Ying Zheng ordered directly: "I will assign 10,000 craftsmen and 30,000 old Qin veterans for you, do you have any? Confidence to do it?


Zhang Han's face was stunned, he didn't understand what this gunpowder cement was.

But he knew that this must be a very important department.

Ying Zheng valued him so much that he was flattered.

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, the last commander will definitely manage this military mansion well and not let His Majesty down." Zhang Han agreed excitedly.

"Okay!" Ying Zheng raised his finger and pointed at the three master craftsmen who were kneeling on the ground, "These three people are the top craftsmen in the mansion. The three generations of my grandparents and grandchildren are all craftsmen in my Great Qin Dynasty. Small! 95

"The three of them will become your deputy, all research and production matters can be entrusted to them, you are mainly responsible for controlling the overall situation, and strictly prohibit the leakage of all materials and secrets in the Armament House, understand? 35

"I will understand at the end!

Zhang Han hurriedly agreed, and he was secretly ecstatic.

Ying Zheng attaches so much importance to this military palace, it seems that it must not be a simple place, he is going to achieve the rhythm of prosperity.

"You three, come up!"

Ying Zheng beckoned, and directly placed the tutorial drawings of gunpowder, cement, steel frying, and steel making on the table.

The three master craftsmen stepped forward on their knees tremblingly.

"The three of you have their own strengths, all of them are the top craftsmen in my Daqin, and I want to reuse you.

"These drawings are passed down by the Immortal Master, if you dare to reveal the slightest bit, I will kill you and the nine clans! 99

Ying Zheng took out his sword and pointed at the drawings with the tip of his sword to explain them one by one!

After some threats and explanations, the master craftsmen couldn't help but be amazed again and again while being frightened.

"This, this gunpowder is actually the raw material for making wooden-handled grenades? Incredible, really incredible."

"Cement can turn sand into stone? How is that possible?

"The method of frying steel and pouring steel can mass-produce hundreds of refined steel? This is amazing, isn't it? 35

The three master craftsmen exclaimed again and again!

They are all smart people and top craftsmen.

Although I haven't understood the principles of these three fresh products yet, I have deeply remembered their production process in my mind. Just go back and experiment a few more times, and I can definitely make this thing.

Ying Zheng gave some instructions again, and finally made sure that they had written down the drawings before they were satisfied with putting away the drawings.

This thing is precious and must not be leaked out!

Even these three master craftsmen will be closely monitored in the future, and it is impossible for grandparents to leave Xianyang.

Zhang Han's duty was naturally to lead soldiers to guard these craftsmen, to strictly protect the Armament House, to ensure the normal and orderly production of various treasures, and to guard against outsiders making trouble.

These things can't be leaked out!

Once leaked out, Lao Zhao would kill.

"Remember, the site of the Armament House is located in the abandoned military camp outside the city. If there is not enough space, expand it as soon as possible!"

"The Armament House is temporarily divided into three departments. You three master craftsmen lead one department in charge of production. Get these things to me as soon as possible. The more the better! 35

"Also, the R&D and production of this gunpowder must be kept strictly confidential and guarded carefully. It must not come into contact with open flames and irons. All production tools must be made of wood to avoid explosions, understand?"

Ying Zheng made another exhortation!

Zhang Han and the three master craftsmen hurriedly knelt on the ground and shouted: "Your Majesty, rest assured, we will keep this in mind! 55


Ying Zheng nodded in satisfaction, then waved his hands to let them back off!

It can be foreseen that it will not be long before this Da Qin will have a large amount of cement to be put into the infrastructure project, and then a large amount of steel and gunpowder, enough to arm the Qin army to the teeth!

Thinking that in the future, he could continuously obtain wooden-handled grenades and explosive packs, Ying Zheng smiled happily and felt at ease.

"Seeking Flower Evaluation Ticket".

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