At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

960 Corpses are everywhere! 【Subscription】

Ao Lie and Yang Jian were sitting at the rear, and they were naturally able to see the changes in the battle situation at a glance. They were also very keenly aware of the intentions of the demon clan.

Seeing that the demon clan actually wanted to retreat, Ao Lie immediately ordered: "Go on, order everyone to pursue and kill the demon clan with all their strength, and kill as many enemies as possible. The time is limited to one hour!"

"Yes, General!"

The Celestial Soldiers around him did not dare to be slighted, and immediately took their orders away.

Soon, as expected by Ao Lie and Yang Jian, the old demon sage of the demon clan directly ordered everyone to retreat, and the surviving demon clan who had been killed for a long time was naturally amnesty, and they all began to retreat crazily, completely disregarding it. , which fully reflects the selfishness and wildness of the demon clan!

Seeing this, the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals also received an instruction to chase and kill. Naturally, they smirked and chased them wildly. How could they let these evil spirits leave safely!

Their previous wars can be said to have suffered greatly from the demon clan. Not only did they kill many of their comrades, but they also failed to open up the situation, so that the Jade Emperor was furious and they did not have a good result. The heavenly generals have traced those demon clan, so it is a pleasure to hunt down those demon clan deserters at this time, and the morale is also extremely high!

"Kill kill kill, kill monsters, these monsters, and leave none of them~々!"

"Chase, catch up and continue to kill, they mustn't let them escape!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, the general has an order, chase and kill for an hour, kill as many as you can!

Seeing that the demon clan was defeated and fled by them, those heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals naturally refused to let them go, and they all began to chase and kill them frantically.

One side was defeated and fled, and naturally had no intention of resisting, while the other side had high morale and was madly chasing and killing.

If it wasn't for the one hour limit that Ao Lie demanded, they might have continued to hunt and kill!

And Ao Lie and Yang Jian watched the heavenly soldiers chase them out, but they didn't care, they just waited quietly in place.

Yang Jian smiled and said at this time: "Brother Ao, I never thought that just by changing the tactics, you can get this miraculous effect!"

"Yeah!" Ao Lie also sighed: "Just by showing a little bit of the role and cooperation of the battle formation, it is indeed a bit incredible to be able to change the battle situation immediately. It seems that the troops of the four great immortal dynasties under Mr. With the improvement of individual strength, the combat power will definitely surpass many heavenly soldiers and generals!""

Although Ao Lie and the others were very confident before they set off for the expedition, they did not expect that this time they could win a good start with just one battle formation, and completely opened up the situation that they had not obtained before. It was really gratifying.

It is also because of this that Ao Lie and Yang Jian understood that in a large-scale war, unless the individual strength is far superior, it is not the most important factor, nor is it enough to affect the war situation, only tacit cooperation and years of practice, This is the most important factor that can truly make a final decision and completely determine the direction of the battle.

And this kind of understanding, at the beginning, only came from the mortal army, but it was still useful when it was put into the army of the heavenly court at this time.

Only then did Ao Lie and Yang Jian understand why Ji Han paid so much attention to Ying Zheng and the four immortal dynasties, and also understood the potential of the four immortal dynasties. Will put down the shelf to communicate with them a lot, as much as possible to learn some experience.

Soon, as soon as the one-hour deadline came, the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals who went to chase and kill them returned one after another.

At this time, the war ended, and the vast land of Hezhou in Xiniu (Qian Hao) was full of corpses, blood flowed into rivers, and the topography and landforms also changed a lot due to the influence of various spells and battles.

Seeing the returning Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals forming a square formation, and looking at the various tragic and hideous corpses of monsters on the ground, Ao Lie directly ordered: "..Come on, send some people to deal with the battlefield, Then everyone rested for half a day before continuing to move forward!""

"Yes, General!"

Someone immediately responded, and then a small team was dispatched to deal with the battlefield, while the others rested in place!

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