At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

The gap between 961 days and earth! 【Subscription】

The victory in the first battle is really exciting!

Although there were some casualties this time, compared with the previous ones, it was completely acceptable, and they also defeated the Monster Race Alliance and killed at least millions of Monster Races. This is a real credit. In this way, the anger and hatred in the hearts of the soldiers and generals can be vented.

Such a good result naturally boosted the morale of the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, and their fighting spirit was soaring.

And such a result was brought about by Ao Lie and Yang Jian as the commanders. Because Ao Lie and Yang Jian were in command, the situation and the situation could be changed in the first battle. Therefore, for Ao Lie and Yang Jian, the heavenly soldiers Heavenly generals are all in great admiration, and no longer dare to have any strange thoughts in their hearts.

Naturally, Ao Lie and Yang Jian also knew that the morale of the army was high, and it was available. Therefore, after resting for a long time, they once again led their troops to move forward, preparing to continue to sweep the demon clan without giving 843 them any chance to breathe. .

The demon clan did not expect Ao Lie and Yang Jian to be so aggressive, as if they had to completely kill the demon clan before they would give up. In this way, the demon clan was naturally frightened and angry, and they had no way out. Therefore, The demon clan also rose up to resist, and more than a dozen old demon saints immediately summoned a large number of demon clan and began to fully resist the heavenly court.

Obviously, this time, because of the defeat in the first battle, the demon clan did not dare to have any contempt, and they also learned that Ao Lie and Yang Jian, the two great golden immortals, were in charge of this time, so they became even more worried and began to do their best. To defend against the army of heaven, even a few old demon saints have begun to end!

(bbed) But with Yang Jian and Ao Lie in command of the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals, coupled with their tyrannical cultivation, the Heavenly Soldiers and Heavenly Generals quickly adapted to the use of battle formations, and they cooperated and understood each other well. The level has also improved by leaps and bounds, and it is even more handy and skilled to kill monsters.

Under such circumstances, under the joint suppression of Yang Jian and Ao Lie, the demon clan actually retreated steadily, and several battles broke out between the two sides. A little bonus.

As for the Heavenly Court side, it is natural to win consecutive battles, and the cooperation between the Heavenly Soldiers and the Heavenly Generals has become more and more tacit. After several battles, 30 to 40 million demon clans were killed, killing so many corpses. It was heartbreaking when they were losing ground, but they couldn't change the situation.

Even if several old demon saints shot at the same time, but Ao Lie and Yang Jian, together, beat those old demon saints into screaming screams. To be left with one or two.

After that time, the old demon saints of the demon clan alliance no longer dared to touch the tiger beards of Yang Jian and Ao Lie, because their cultivation and Taoism were extremely tyrannical, so that those who survived could not survive. The old demon saint who knows how many years can't really compete!

As a result, the army of the demon clan naturally retreated steadily, and was beaten to the extreme. Compared with the initial battle situation, it was simply the gap between heaven and earth!

At the same time, when the Heavenly Court army was suppressing and strangling the demon clan on Xiniu Hezhou, the four dragon kings of the Four Seas Dragon Palace, and more than a dozen high-ranking dragon clan leaders, were gathering in the East China Sea Dragon Palace at this time, preparing to discuss important matters.

In the hall of the Dragon Palace of the East China Sea, the Dragon King of the East China Sea was sitting at the top at this time, while the other three dragon kings and more than a dozen high-level dragon clan members were sitting on both sides. No.

At this time, Ao Qin, the Dragon King of the South China Sea, was only heard saying: "Big brother, third brother, fourth brother, and all the elders, now there is a great turmoil, and the demon clan is raging. Our dragon family, but this king believes that our dragon family can take this opportunity to make a good plan, big brother, what do you think?

This time, several dragon kings and more than a dozen high-level dragon clan leaders gathered in the East China Sea Dragon Palace, in fact, for what the South China Sea Dragon King said.

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