The addition of the dragon clan completely determined the fate of the demon clan.

Originally, the demon clan had already been defeated by the Heavenly Court army, but after the dragon clan army joined, the demon clan alliance was completely unable to resist, and was directly killed and defeated, and even a decent line of defense could not be formed.

At the same time, Ao Lie and Yang Jian also divided their troops again and sent the army to the other three continents to carry out a comprehensive cleanup of the demon clan, without giving the demon clan any chance. The prehistoric land is peaceful.

Under such circumstances, the demon clan has completely lost the opportunity. Under the joint strangulation of the Heavenly Court army and the dragon clan army, after several battles, the demon clan was directly beheaded and killed hundreds of millions of people. The heavy casualties can be called It is of the nature of extermination, and it almost made the demon clan go extinct in the wild land, which can be said to be extremely tragic.

11 rivers of blood and corpses are not enough to describe the tragic and bloody battlefield. It is completely like a Shura field and a meat grinder. Qi, as well as all kinds of hostility and resentment, ordinary people, let alone entering, just approaching may become an idiot because of the impact of those fierce aura and resentment.

Fortunately, many of the demon clan fled and hid early when they saw that the situation was not good, and did not dare to show up again.

After this battle, the chaotic demon clan was completely killed, and the turmoil in various places in the Great Wilderness was calmed down, making countless people and countless races feel that Heavenly Court was able to suppress the turmoil. In this way, Heavenly Court's majesty and Reputation began to slowly gain popularity and spread.

Outside the Thirty-Three Heavens, Taisu Heaven, Li Guangzhi Ye Wa Palace.

This is the place where the emperor Wa, the sage Nuwa, is located.

As the saying goes, it is hidden in the sky, regardless of the great religion, and stands in the three realms with a cold eye. This is the consistent style and position of the sage Nuwa. Therefore, the sage Nuwa is also the only one among the six saints who has never established a religion or received any disciples. saint.

However, at this time, there were several figures outside the Wa Palace, and those who appeared outside the Wa Palace were all kneeling on the ground.

I saw a peculiar-looking old man in the middle shouting loudly with pleading and grievance: "I beg the sage to call the shots for us, the heavenly court and the dragon clan really deceived our demon clan too much, they actually joined forces against our demon clan, Not only did they not give our demon clan a chance to return to the Great Wilderness, but they also slaughtered our clan, so that our clan was strangled by hundreds of millions, and the demon clan was completely damaged. !!”

"Yeah, I also ask the sage to see clearly, the Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan don't take our demon clan seriously at all, and they wantonly slaughtered our clan, which is simply maddening, and also asks the sage to seek justice for our clan!

"Saint, our demon clan has hundreds of millions of casualties, if we let it go, the demon clan will be completely removed from the hands of the heavenly court and the dragon clan, you can't sit idly by, sage!!

"The sage is above, Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan are doing such atrocities, they completely ignore you, our demon clan has suffered hundreds of millions of casualties, and I don't know when we will recover in the future. Save the monsters!

The other four immediately pleaded loudly with grief-stricken and extremely aggrieved and desolate voices. They all wanted to beg Saint Nuwa to take action to get justice for them.

Listening to this tone and voice, I knew that the five people who were kneeling outside the Wa Palace were all old demon saints of the demon clan. Outside the palace, its purpose is to beg the saint Nuwa to come forward to save the demon clan.

Therefore, the five old demon saints immediately knelt on the ground and did not want to get up. At the same time, they all begged the saint Nuwa bitterly, and loudly complained about the atrocities of the Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan, and their tone was full of grief, grievance and It's miserable, it's just that the listeners are sad and the listeners cry!

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