At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

965 Sadness and disappointment! 【Subscription】

Just outside the Nawa Palace, a cry of pleading and complaints kept coming out, and the five figures also knelt to the ground, and their faces and voices became even more miserable!

Perhaps the five old demon saints thought that as long as they were sincere enough, as long as they showed enough misery and grievance, and the deaths of hundreds of millions of people were the reasons, they would be enough to impress Saint Nuwa and ask Saint Nuwa to help them save the demon. clan, and even find a way back.

However, this was just their wishful thinking, they were allowed to beg outside the Wa Palace for a long time, and the saint Nuwa never appeared, let alone said a word.

The sage Nuwa was not only too lazy to see them, but also too lazy to pay attention to this matter!

Because the sage Nuwa has lived in the Wa Palace for a long time, and seems to be ignorant of world affairs, but as a sage, how can he not know about the major events in the prehistoric times? Therefore, the sage Nuwa also understands that this matter was clearly stirred up by the demon clan first. The consequences of the demon clan's riots and wanton riots and killings in various places in the wild are the most unpleasant things that the demon clan is to blame for themselves.

How could the sage Nuwa intervene in such a thing?

If Saint Nuwa really came forward to save the demon clan, regardless of whether it was necessary or not, at least she would confront Heavenly Court head-on. Saint Nuwa knew the status and strength of Heavenly Court. If she really confronted Heavenly Court, it would definitely not be a problem. good thing.

Regarding these matters, Saint Nuwa has always been clear-sighted, and it can be said that she is extremely insightful, so she completely ignored the old demon saints who were begging outside, letting them plead and complain.

And the reason why the five old demon saints chose to seek help from Saint Nuwa at the first time when the demon clan suffered a catastrophe was because Saint Nuwa, also known as Emperor Wa, was also the sect of all spirits, and even more so He has multiple identities, including the Mother of Human Race, the ancestor of the demon, the leader of the demon sect, and the master of the demon clan. In short, he is the ancestor and the biggest leader of the demon clan. After all, the identity and the way of cultivation cannot be changed.

So after the accident, those old demon saints naturally thought of Saint Nuwa for the first time, hoping to get the protection of Saint Nuwa, and even more hope that Saint Nuwa could save the demon clan. After all, all demon clans are members of Saint Nuwa. .

It's a pity that no matter how hard they begged outside the Wa Palace, even if they cried out to the sky and cried blood, they couldn't move Saint Nuwa in the slightest.

The five old demon saints kept begging outside the Wa Palace, their mouths were dry, but there was still no sound from the Wa Palace, not even a single boy came out to communicate, as if it was inside the Wa Palace Empty.

But the five old demon saints knew that the saints of Nuwa would definitely stay in the Wa Palace, so looking at the situation, they just didn't want to see them.

Such a result naturally caused the five old demon saints to look at each other in dismay, and at the same time they couldn't help being a little disappointed.

They never thought that Saint Nuwa would not care about the lives of the clansmen at all. Not only did he have no intention of pitiful clansmen, but he also completely turned a blind eye to them, and let hundreds of millions of clansmen be slaughtered by the Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan. Several old demon saints were heartbroken.

"..How can this be? How can a saint be like this? This is impossible, do saints really ignore the life and death of hundreds of millions of people~々?"

The old demon sage who was kneeling in the middle had a look of sadness and disappointment at this time, and his eyes were lost because of this. He no longer pleaded hard, but muttered to himself in disbelief.

An old demon sage next to him also sighed softly at this time: "The sage actually ignores the life and death of the clan, so what should we do for the demon clan?"

"Hey, Saint One (money is good) never cares about world affairs, but I didn't expect that this time, I don't even care about the life and death of my own family!"

"Now only the saints can save their own clan, but the saints act like this, this... alas... 35

"Does this family deserve to perish? We have done our best, but we don't want to end up like this!!

Several old demon saints sighed softly. They all understood that this matter seems to be hopeless. Saint Nuwa doesn't want to see them, and doesn't want to care about this matter. No matter how much they plead, it's useless!

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