Outside the Thirty-Three Layers of Heaven, Wa Palace.

At this moment, just when they knelt outside and begged the five old demon saints to no longer have hope, they didn't know that an unexpected turn of events suddenly appeared.

In the Wa Palace, the five old demon saints who were kneeling outside and begging the Nuwa saint who wanted to see were closing their eyes and cultivating at this time, and they did not react at all to the begging outside the Wa Palace.

For Saint Nuwa, although she is the ancestor of the demon clan, she will not do anything against her original intention just because of her identity. Moreover, she also knows that this time is the evil result obtained by the demon clan. There is nothing wrong with Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan, so she is too lazy to deal with it, and she doesn't want to have any cause and effect with it.

After all, she is a saint. 843 is used to seeing the rise and fall of a clan. What's more, although the demon clan has suffered hundreds of millions of casualties, the demon clan has more than hundreds of millions of people. I don't know how many demon clans hide in various places. The clan has no worries of exterminating the clan at all, and as a result, Saint Nuwa doesn't want to worry about it anymore.

Just when Saint Nuwa was impatient and wanted to order someone to drive the five old demon saints away, a voice appeared in front of Saint Nuwa in a silent moment.

I saw that this person's appearance seemed ordinary, but it revealed a hint of Dao charm, and this person was wearing a gray linen robe, with long white hair, and he looked like an ordinary old man.

When the old man appeared, Saint Nuwa immediately felt the sensation and opened his eyes immediately.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Sage Nuwa was still full of majesty, as if she wanted to see who dared to trespass her Wa Palace, but after seeing the old man's appearance, Sage Nuwa's face immediately turned submissive, her eyes There was also a flash of surprise, and immediately got up and saluted: "Daozu? Disciple Ziwa respectfully welcomes Daozu, I don't know that the ancestor is coming, I hope Daozu forgives his sins.


It turned out that this old man was actually Hongjun Daozu!

It's just that this old man is not the deity of Hongjun Daozu, but a avatar of him. Saint Nuwa can naturally see this, but the avatar is also her Daozu, so Saint Nuwa does not dare to be slighted. Hastily got up and greeted.

It's just that the sage Nuwa is also puzzled, and she doesn't know why her Taoist ancestor suddenly came to her Wa palace at this time. This is something that has never happened before, so the sage Nuwa can't help but have strange thoughts.

However, Daozu Hongjun waved his hand slightly (bbed): "No need to be too polite, it's a bit sudden for the teacher, you don't know it's normal, why forgive me!"


Saint Nuwa replied with a smile, and then respectfully invited Daozu Hongjun to sit down on the futon, and asked with a smile: "I don't know why the ancestor came here this time? If there is any need for disciples to help, please also ask Daozu. Make it clear."

Saint Nuwa knew very well that Daozu Hongjun would never send a clone to the Wa Palace for no reason. He must have a definite purpose.

It's just that the sage Nuwa couldn't figure out what the Taoist ancestor Hongjun came for for the time being, so she could only suppress all thoughts and quietly wait for the teachings of her Taoist ancestor.

Sure enough, Daozu Hongjun waved his hand again, indicating that he didn't have to take a seat, but said bluntly: "Nuwa, I have something to tell you this time for the teacher!"

"Please make the Daozu clear, Nuwa will not dare to quit!" The saint Nuwa made a submissive appearance.

Hongjun Daozu nodded, and then there was a slight hint of cold light in his eyes, and he said in his mouth: "It's very simple, because the teacher wants you to intervene in this demon clan affair, your clan has hundreds of millions of casualties, you are a demon The ancestor of the clan, but you can't ignore it!"5

Hongjun's words were somewhat meaningful, but he had a commanding tone.

After all, the Taoist ancestor Hongjun was the Taoist ancestor of the sage Nuwa, and it was normal for him to give orders.

"What? Want me to intervene in this matter? Daozu, what's this... what is this?" Saint Nuwa was suddenly stunned.

It was completely beyond Nuwa's expectations. She did not expect that Daozu Hongjun came this time for this matter, which made Saint Nuwa feel incomprehensible and deeply helpless.

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