At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

What does 967 intend? 【Subscription】

Facing such a strange order from Daozu Hongjun, Saint Nuwa couldn't help but be extremely surprised, and couldn't help but ask.

No way, it was because the order of Daozu Hongjun was so unexpected that Nuwa couldn't hide her surprise.

Although Nuwa had already anticipated when Hongjun Daozu appeared, she did not expect that he would issue such an order, which made Nuwa's mind tangled.

However, the avatar of Hongjun Daozu replied lightly: "You don't need to ask more about this matter, just follow the order of the teacher~!

Obviously, Daozu Hongjun didn't want to say anything more to Nuwa.


Saint Nuwa is still a little hesitant. After all, this matter is very involved, and if he intervenes rashly, the cause and effect will be unknown-know!

When Hongjun Daozu saw this, he just said in a very ordinary way: "Of course, Nuwa, you can choose not to ask about this!

After speaking, Hongjun Daozu's clone gave Nuwa a deep look.

Daozu Hongjun's tone was very flat, but the meaning behind these words and the meaningful look in his eyes made Nu Wa's heart tighten, and a layer of cold sweat broke out behind her back.

Nuwa knew that she could not pick up this hot potato, otherwise she would hate her Taoist ancestor, but it was not a good thing for her.

These thoughts were only fleeting in Nuwa's mind, Nuwa immediately followed the order respectfully and said: "Don't dare, Daozu has orders, disciples should obey, please rest assured that Daozu will handle this matter well. !

Because Hongjun Daozu came suddenly and hastily, he did not give Nuwa much time to think about it, and Nuwa did not have time to think carefully about the real purpose of Hongjun Daozu, so Nuwa did not know Hongjun Daozu this time. What kind of plan is there.

But Hongjun Daozu said so, Nuwa naturally did not dare to refuse Hongjun Daozu in person, so she had to bite the bullet and agree.

Of course, Nuwa was also very careful. She also left a trace of loopholes in her words. She only said that she would do it well, but did not say how she would do it, nor did she say that she would definitely come forward in person. a little leeway.

When Hongjun Daozu heard the words, he nodded with satisfaction, and said, "It's so good, you don't need to worry about it, this matter is for the teacher to care about, you just do it!"

"Disciple understand!!"

Nu Wa nodded respectfully!

Upon seeing this, Daozu Hongjun didn't say more, but left directly. It seems that he came this time to allow Nuwa to intervene in the turmoil of the demon clan.

After seeing the avatar of Hongjun Daozu leave, Saint Nuwa was not only speechless for a long time, but also frowned, and his face was not very good-looking, and the whole person fell into contemplation.

"Something is wrong, why does the Taoist ancestor care so much about the survival of the demon clan? Besides, the demon clan has not yet reached the brink of true extinction! 35

・・For flowers.......

"What is Daozu's intention this time? What is his real plan?"

"Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan's crusade against the Demon Clan this time is a well-known and just act, but the Taoist ancestor asked me to intervene? Why is this? Is this good or bad?"

The thoughts in Saint Nuwa's mind at this time can be described as thousands of twists and turns, and all kinds of ideas keep pouring out. She is thinking carefully about the real intention and purpose of Daozu Hongjun, and at the same time, she is also thinking carefully about how to accomplish it. Hongjun Daozu's order.

As one of the six great saints between heaven and earth, Saint Nuwa's Taoism is naturally extremely high and arrogant, and she is extremely sensitive to things that have a causal relationship with her. Saint Nuwa faintly feels that this time. Things are definitely not good.

You must know that now the demon clan has been beheaded by the Heavenly Court and the dragon clan to kill hundreds of millions, and the rest of the demon clan have been scared to hide everywhere. It can be said that the demon clan is now at the end of the road, even if Nuwa intervenes in this matter, But it can't change too much, and it can't really make the situation of the demon clan improve.

The most important thing is that once Nuwa herself intervenes in this matter, she may stand on the opposite side of the heavenly court, which makes the saint Nuwa feel even more unpleasant! Beg.

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