At This Moment, All Mankind Thinks That I Am The Eternal!

968 will not give up! 【Subscription】

The status of the Heavenly Court and the height it will reach in the future, Nu Wa is extremely clear.

Because Nuwa knew from the very beginning that when Heavenly Court was founded, its definition was the supreme ruling center of the Three Realms, and now Heavenly Court is approaching this height.

At present, Heavenly Court has gone through the initial hardships of its establishment, and its development has entered the right track. Its momentum is flourishing, and its strength should not be underestimated.

Therefore, if you fight against the heavenly court for the sake of the demon clan that has entered the end, it is absolutely unwise to choose "843", and the current demon clan is not worthy of Saint Nuwa to do so.

But why did Hongjun Daozu insist on the sage of Nuwa to intervene in this matter? The sage of Nuwa couldn't figure it out.

But Sage Nuwa is not stupid, on the contrary, she is very witty to leave a little leeway for herself.

"This matter is too involved in cause and effect, and it is not a wise move to come forward in person, but the Taoist ancestor ordered me to intervene in this matter. This seat has already accepted, and it is absolutely impossible to refuse again. It seems that we have to think of a foolproof plan. !

Saint Nuwa thought carefully about the countermeasures in her heart, but after a moment, her eyes lit up and she secretly said: "Yes!

Immediately she called softly: "Come on!"

Now that there are countermeasures, Saint Nuwa naturally has to act immediately, and it is not easy for her to keep the old demon saints outside the palace.

"The disciple is here, what is the sage's order?"

Hearing the call, a seven or eight-year-old girl walked in and asked respectfully to Saint Nuwa.

Saint Nuwa thought for a while, and then softly commanded: "You immediately went to find that Daoist Lu Ya, and said that I have something to look for in this seat! 99

"Yes, the disciple will go now!"

The girl immediately went away respectfully.

The sage Nuwa returned to sit on the futon again, and then said softly: "Wait, come in!"

These words seemed to be whispered softly, but when they fell into the ears of the five old demon saints outside the palace, it was like a thunderous explosion, but after the next breath, the five old demon saints were full of ecstasy. , Because the Nuwa sage finally responded and promised to see them.

After hearing this, the five old demon saints didn't dare to be slighted at all, all of them immediately got up from the ground, and then walked slowly from the door into the palace with respectful expressions, following the guidance of a girl, very Soon came to the front of Saint Nuwa.

"We see the saints!!

After arriving in front of Saint Nuwa, the five old demon saints immediately bowed down to worship.

Saint Nuwa waved her long sleeves and said lightly, "No need to be too polite, everyone, please get up!"


The five old demon saints stood up obediently, and stood side by side quite respectfully. In front of the saints, they naturally did not have the right to sit down.

Without waiting for the five old demon saints to speak, Saint Nuwa took the lead in saying: "Our intention, this seat already knows that Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan wantonly slaughtered their own people, it is indeed a bit too much!"

Saying that, Saint Nuwa's face became colder accordingly, and she first characterized the behavior of Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan, saying that it was a bit excessive, but did not say that it was atrocity.

Just these words made the five old demon saints overjoyed, and one of the old demon saints immediately said with great joy: "What the saints said is very true, the Heavenly Court and the Dragon Clan slaughtered hundreds of millions of people in our clan, it is extremely cruel, Such atrocities are absolutely unforgivable. We have no choice but to ask the saint to come forward, and ask the saint to support justice for our clan!

"Yeah, I also ask the sage to be the master of our clan, and the master of the dead clan!

"Please sage to come forward to save our clan, we must not let our clan perish like this!"

"I beg the sage to sympathize with the people of our clan, and save hundreds of millions of people of our clan from fire and water! 35

"Heaven's court is brutal, and the Dragon Clan's help in 4.3 abuse is really a catastrophe for our Clan. Now only the sage can save our clan, and I hope the sage won't do anything!

The other four old demon sages also immediately echoed their voices. At this time, they were in tears, showing both grief and grievance. It seemed that they had to show all their sufferings in front of the Nuwa sage before they were willing to give up.

At this moment, these five old demon saints seem to have finally found an organization and can finally express their grief!

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